That is a header file related to avr processors. The new R4 has a different type of chip on it. So codes that work at the hardware level are having to be ported to the new hardware. The core libraries were done when the board came out. But user contributed libraries are sort of trickling in. You may be stuck waiting for someone to update that library to work with the R4.

The good news is that it isn't necessary. The R4 can act as a USB host controller on its own like a Micro or Leonardo can. It doesn't need this hack that allowed an UNO to do it. You just need to find the appropriate library for controller emulation on the R4.

Unojoy.h Library Download

Download 🔥 🔥

I've been stressing alot since it's weird that the microprocessor just crash for random reasons.

Now what I want to build is a Keypad + Mouse in one house as a Joystick.

I used 2 other library's, the Software Serial, and a PS2 Library without scroll stuff.

The software serial is used for a Keypad which outputs serial at 57600 bps, and the keys are outputted like 11-29, value 0-1 >(131 = key 13 is pressed).

The PS/2 library is used for a mouse on PS/2.

and UnoJoy from Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

UnoJoy.h is left alone. no edits ~.

SoftwareSerial is not edited, and I only removed the delaymicroseconds at the ps2 library. (I know it shouldnt be deleted but my mouse still works for somereasons)

I am having trouble with the Radiohead RFM95 encrypted client example, seems Speck.h shows as no such file or directory. I can find code for Speck.h but not as a file I can drop in my library. I imagine there is a way to create the right file type in VS but I am not familiar with how to do that, assuming that would even do the trick. I would appreciate a little help here as I am rather new to Arduino and C++.

i've uploaded the sketch to my google drive. 


i used this convenient library that takes care of the PWM fade, because i did not want to reinvent the wheel.


if you need a diagram, give me like a week to get back to it, im quite busy with school. you can look at the sketch and try to figure out what pins press what and what pwm outputs correspond to which inputs if you need it now. i wired it a bit quick and dirty and i would have to go back and do just that because i probably threw out the paper in which i noted the pins and their corresponding buttons. i dont know if the ones in the sketch are really the equivalent ones.

Yes and no. If I remeber correctly the unojoy library has a set up for two players running off of one Arduino. However I'm more than certain that an uno will not have enough pins to accommodate that many buttons. Mabey a different arduino will work? ( Unless of course the only game you're going to play is divekick lol)

Here is the download for my Arduino project (99 kB). It also includes some Oscilloscope traces when testing the design, as well as two modified USB stack files for the Arduino libraries. The two files are HID.cpp and USBAPI.h, and need to be merged into arduino-[version]/hardware/arduino/avr/cores/. I do not recommend blindly copying the files into this folder; instead you should use a comparison utility to merge in the appropriate changes. This is especially important if these files are modified in future Arduino library versions. You should, of course, back up the existing files as well.

EDIT from 2020: I have since done the work to port this into a modern Arduino Library. This should be usable with any USB-capable Arduino and can be imported as a standard library without replacing system files. See Basic Joystick Arduino Library for details.

It looks there is workaround this by not using the MBED version on the Arduino IDE and there fore can use Tiny USB library by adafruit and better yet the BLE52 library to get wireless keyboard and mouse.

Hi, is it possible to use 4 pots (two for x axis and two for y axis) instead of just 2 (one for x axis and one for y axis)? I was messing around with another xinput library (MSF-XINPUT) and I have exhausted all possibilities without a positive result so I thought that maybe your library will be more flexible. I need every direction (left, right, up, down) to hove its own potentiometer.

Sorry for bothering you but your library is much more complicated (although I think meticulous would be a better word) and I am struggling a bit with it. I guess this is the first part I need to modifie?

As seen in all examples, there is never a use of attachInterrupts, instead always a use of digitalRead funktions. I wanted to make a steeringwheel with FFB and this looked like the best library. To get the steeringwheel angle I wanted to use a rotary encoder but here I need to use Interrupts. On a classic way I cant get the Interruptfunktions to be called, like it would be on a normal Joystick library. I#m using a Arduino Leonardo. Do you have any ideas for me?

Given that iOS 13 now supports Bluetooth controllers (or at least, certain ones, namely the PS4 controller and newer Xbox One controllers), would the XInput library be useful in making a controller emulator that works over Bluetooth instead of USB? For example, would it be possible to swap out the USB layer for Bluetooth?

Hi there David! Great work on this library, it worked flawlessly on my Windows 10 machine. I am trying to make a controller with your library that works on an Android phone. I have seen some comments that some Android phones are not supported, mine may unfortunately be one of them.

I was originally using the Arduino Joystick Library and it was causing various issues for what I needed it to do, switching to your library let me get my controller functioning exactly the way I wanted. Thanks for making this library, it saved me scrapping a few months of work.

I am pulling the guts out of an older directinput wheel and replacing it with a leonardo and your library. Currently, I have the 3 potentiometers working fine when they are sitting on the bench and I can rotate the rotor fully, but when I put 2 of them back into their enclosure (the pedals, which I plan on mapping to the triggers) the range of movement is restricted to about a quarter of the rotation.

The library is input agnostic, which is another way of saying that it will work with whatever data you want to throw at it. Wherever an analog input is used, either the joystick axes or the triggers, you can directly replace the input value with the output from the hall effect sensor. Just be sure to match the input ranges to the data you expect (see the section on range rescaling).

Hi Michael! I have been helped by Dave in the past, I used his library to make this code for a custom xbox controller (a fight stick) on arduino leonardo. I think you can also use this to make your controller, IF you can at least read and make sense of the button pinout. the code is sufficiently commented so I think it will be easy for you. You can contact me @ so I can email you the sketch file on arduino.

Lol I did a similar thing but with a Multiplexer. I still don't have it figured all out yet but that's why I'm here. So basically the way the dcs bios library is built, is it expects a singular place holder like ,15 in the "pin" pointer. I haven't figured out how to put select pins or colum and row pins into the pin place holder for the dcs-bios instance. But I imagine you could try to create an address like button1 = [2] {col1,pin1} ; but you'll probably need to do something else with this otherwise dcs might see each time the col or row pin changes high to low as a new value and you'll oscillate your virtual buttons maybe a boolean type operation like if (col1 && pin1 = HIGH); //button is pressed

Buttonstate= HIGH ; this is probably way off but maybe it help some one understand how dcs-bios works with matrices and multiplexer it is not a plug and play library when you use any other method than a basic button and led

Does anyone have any issues loading the labview base pde to the arduino? During the compile stage, it gives me error msg's for unknown commands, "syncLV" AND "checkforcommand". I loaded the labview .h into the library, opened the labviewbase code and tried to upload thats when the errors arise. Is there a step that I overlooked? Im using an Arduino UNO, that successfully compliles/uploads other codes.

Using the Mouse library, you can control a computer's onscreen cursor with an Arduino Leonardo, Micro, or Due. This particular example uses a pushbutton to turn on and off mouse control with a joystick.

I have an Arduino Leonardo and I downloaded the single joystick library. After putting the file in my libraries I ran the test, and it uploaded to my board fine, but when I go to devices to find my board its not there. So I opened my device manager and the board is showing up there, but still not in the devices. I have tried to unplug the board and plug it back in and reset the board, but nothing works. In the HID properties it says "Device started" "Device configured", and then it says "Device not migrated." I am using windows 10 i'm not sure if that matters. Please let me know if you can help me at all.

Jisuk Lee - Are you using two Arduino devices plugged into the same computer (i.e. using the Joystick library) or one Arduino that supports 2 joysticks (i.e. using the Joystick2 library)?

I have not seen the order of the Joysticks change when using the Joystick2 library.

The order that Joysticks are enumerated is determined by Windows (and is not always the same). There are quite a few posting on the Internet regarding this issue. Here are a few:





I am using your joystick library code with a 5v "pro micro" board and a joystick pot.

Windows is able to see my 'joystick' fine as well as HTML5 joystick tester but when trying to use it with the "Condor Soaring Simulator", they do not seem to detect it when I try to assign a channel to custom joystick. (developer not responding...:(()

My Logitech extreme 3D pro as well as a saiteck joystick works just find.

Any ideas ? change values in HID descriptor ? 2351a5e196

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