A Little Bit About Us

We are happy to be connected with you!

The Packard household is a place where everything starts. My wife Kate runs the show behind the scenes - and she's also an education guru. I have three wonderful kids: Brooke, Abigail & John. All four have the "It Factor" and make me a better person each day. I also have two dogs: Princess & Rocco. In my spare time, I like to exercise, fish, read, and find ways to become better.

I am excited to be entering my 28th year in education - my 18th year at Charlton Middle School as an administrator. My journey in education has been very rewarding. I spent 10 years teaching history in high school and coaching boys' varsity basketball. I have also spent the last 18 years in administration at Charlton Middle School 7 as an assistant principal and the last 11 as principal. Every day is a gift as I have the greatest job in the world.

Let's build something great together!

At home, I am a member of "Team Star"; a party of 5 (amazing wife who is a rockstar educator, two amazing daughters, and one amazing son) plus two dogs. I kick back and relax at the Team Star Clubhouse whenever I can, fly fish, golf, and enjoy the simple things. I am always game to read a recommended book title about education or pleasure read (I am a big Stephen King fan).

At work, I am the proud principal (Lead Learner) at Dudley Middle School (grades 5-8) in the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District in Massachusetts. In my role, I enjoy seeing our students grow and make gains over time (the idea of continuous improvement is what our educational game is all about) and I enjoy working with / supporting our educators with implementing best practice strategies and/or taking risks with authentic and innovative ideas.

Driven in a pursuit to continually be better and improve, I focus on John Wooden's definition of success: "Success is having peace of mind in knowing that you have given the very best of which you are capable of giving." ~ John Wooden.

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