Empathy Map

EMPATHY MAP is a visual tool used to help understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a user or customer. It helps to build a detailed picture of the user’s experience and understanding. Also to help empathy with users. We more focuses on students and outline their experiences and feeling across six key areas.

Think & Feel : This section captures the internal thoughts and emotions of the students. They experience anxiety due to overwhelming academic pressures and tasks. This anxiety is often add on with depression, feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness. Their self-doubt is constant, with belief that they are failures. Additionally, they are frequently troubled by fear, always imagining the worst possible outcomes. 

See : This section reflects what students observe in their surroundings . In their environment, students observe varied reactions from others, differ from concern to indifference. They may see themselves excluded, watching others have fun while they feel left out. Academic struggles are visible in dropping grades and missed assignments. They also notice signs of stress, such as fidgeting or nervous habits. 

Hear :  This section highlights what students hear from their environment. Students hear negative comments about themselves from others, contributing to their low self-esteem. Friends and family often express concerns about their well-being. They participate in peer discussions about academic worries and receive supportive advice from counselors or mentors. 

Say & Do : This section illustrates the students’ actions and expressions. In their actions and expressions, students often isolate themselves due to feelings of not belonging. Their self-talk is negative, constantly labeling themselves as failures. They tend to withdraw socially, avoiding interactions and academic activities. Conversations about mental health are particularly avoided, reflecting their discomfort and stigma.  

Pain : This section identifies the pain points or challenges students face. The challenges students face are significant. They experience sleep issues, finding it difficult to fall or stay asleep. Anxiety attacks are common, characterized by sudden episodes of intense fear. Stigma surrounds their mental health struggles, making them feel judged and misunderstood. There is also a pervasive sense of a lack of understanding, feeling that others do not grasp their struggles. 

Gain : This section outlines the goals or aspirations students seek. They seek a supportive environment where they feel understood and cared for. Academic success is a major goal, aiming for good grades and recognition. Building high self-esteem and achieving good self-awareness are also crucial, helping them understand and manage their emotions better.