Top 3 ways to access internet while traveling

Every traveler knows that there is nothing worse than losing your internet access on the road. It can mess up your whole day, and you could waste valuable time looking for WIFI. These days, we're all so connected that being without the Internet for even a few hours feels like losing touch with the world. Different options allow you to access unlimited wireless Internet while on the go.

· Mobile Hotspot

· Portable Router

· Satellite Internet

Mobile Hotspots

Mobile hotspots connect to a cellular network, 4G or 5G. Other devices that cannot connect to a cellular network can connect to the mobile hotspot via WLAN. The mobile hotspot acts as a bridge between your devices and your cellular network. Do you know the router and modem you have at home? This device allows you to connect your PCs, laptops, smartphones, and other devices to the Internet. To do this, it receives requests from your devices and sends them to their destination via your broadband connection. Most cell phones have built-in hotspot and tethering capabilities, but you can also buy a mobile hotspot device that you can carry in your suitcase or pocket that gives you wireless speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps.

Portable Router

Suppose you want the freedom and convenience of a mobile hotspot without dealing with all its drawbacks. A dedicated mobile data device is the logical choice for accessing unlimited wireless Internet while traveling. These come in shapes and sizes, from a tiny USB dongle to a feature-rich and powerful portable modem. Their functions are primarily the same, with the former focusing on portability and simplicity. At the same time, the latter is intended to be a fully functional home networking device. This is the plus point of these routers. You can use them at home or while traveling.

Satellite Internet

The one major weakness of cellular Internet is that it has limited access. You can only access cellular Internet in limited areas while satellite internet is widely accessible. The only hurdle in accessing satellite internet is the weather. If the weather is clear, then satellite internet can be easily accessible. If you have a satellite internet modem, you can access a high internet connection no matter wherever you are. However, another restriction with satellite internet can be its limited data caps.