Game Account Cancellation Agreement

Unlimited Fun Forever

Update and Release Date: December 31, 2021

 Dear users, before you officially start the next step of the game account cancellation process, we first make the following special instructions for you.After the cancellation of the game account of this game, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or this Agreement, your personal information under the game account will be deleted or anonymized, and the related products and services previously associated with the game account will no longer be associated. Once the cancellation of the game account is completed, it will not be possible to restore it, so please operate with caution.

If you decide to cancel your Game Account after careful consideration, please read and fully understand this Game Account Cancellation Agreement ("Agreement") and agree to all the contents of this Agreement, especially the disclaimer and limitation clauses (e.g., Article 1 and 3.3) and the dispute resolution and jurisdiction clauses (4.2, 4.3 and 4.4), which may be bolded, color-coded or otherwise reasonably brought to your attention. (Sections 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4), which may be bolded, color-coded or otherwise reasonably brought to your attention, and this Agreement is entered into by and between you and Unlimited Fun Forever, This Agreement is entered into by and between the Provider (hereinafter referred to as "we") and has contractual effect. You are deemed to have agreed to and complied with this Agreement in its entirety if you begin the cancellation process in accordance with our Cancellation Procedures, or if you check the box in this Cancellation Agreement and begin the next step in the process.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of the cancellation, please do not use the account to log in to the game during the agreed period of processing of the account cancellation application, otherwise it will be deemed that you revoke the cancellation of the account.

If you need to use our services again after logging out, you are welcome to re-register and log in using QQ, WeChat or other officially recognized accounts (the accounts that can be supported for logging in are subject to the specifications provided by the game).

1. You know and agree that after your game account is canceled, there will (may) be consequences including but not limited to the following, and you need to bear the responsibility.

1.1 You will not be able to log in and use this game account, and your friends will not be able to interact with you in this game;.

1.2 Unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations or this Agreement, your personal information under this game account will be deleted or anonymized. You will not be able to retrieve your personal information, nor will you have the right to ask us to retrieve it, which includes but is not limited to: avatar, nickname, battle records, recharge and consumption records, chat records and other contents.

If your account has been blocked and/or other processing measures have been taken by us due to violation of relevant national laws and regulations and/or relevant agreements and rules (hereinafter referred to as the "User Agreement") that you have signed with us regarding the use of this game service, in order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of you and other relevant rights holders, we may cancel your game account after the cancellation of your game account, and we will not be responsible for the game data that is related to the violation of the account. Data Retentionyears. During the retention period, we will not use the data for any purpose other than to protect your legitimate interests and those of other relevant rights holders.

1.3 You are aware that if you cancel your game account, the virtual props and other value-added services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Game Benefits" for the purpose of description) under the game account will also be deleted. Accordingly, we would like to remind you that before you cancel your game account, please properly dispose of the Game Earnings under your game account or the relevant Game Earnings have been settled.Once you cancel the game account, if the game account still exists under the game proceeds (including the game virtual props and other game value-added services that have been generated during the use of the game, but have not yet expired or unused, and possible future game proceeds), you are deemed to voluntarily relinquish the game proceeds, and we have the right to erase all game proceeds under the game account, and we have the right to remove all game proceeds.You agree that you will not ask us to recover or compensate you for the benefits of the game. The aforementioned game benefits include, but are not limited to: game membership rights, levels; all data related to the growth and upgrading of the game character (including, but not limited to, experience value, titles, etc.); and the ability of the game to provide you with the benefits of the game, including, but not limited to, the ability of the game character to grow and upgrade.Unused game props(such aschests、gems、coins and so on) ; unexpired services that have been purchased; other game proceeds that have been generated but not consumed or future expected game proceeds; etc.

For the purpose of this Agreement, game virtual props, means We provide a service that is stored in the form of an electromagnetic record on the server on which the game program is running, and that enables a specific function set by the game program or reflects a specific result of the game program's operation.It can be represented in textual, graphical or other digital form. Game Virtual Props are part of the Game Service. Common game props include, but are not limited to.

(1)game tokens Game tokens and other game tokens. Game tokens refer to a kind of game virtual props directly or indirectly purchased by users with legal tender at a certain percentage, stored in the server of the particular game, and can only be used to exchange for other virtual props and other value-added services specified in the particular game.

(2)Game costumes, such as headdresses.

(3) Players, skins and other various game virtual props.

1.4 Once you have logged out of your Game account, you will not be able to recover it. Even if you apply for registration and login to the Game again with the same QQ, WeChat or other account recognized by us as the Game account after the cancellation, the account will be regarded as a new user account at this time. Therefore, we kindly remind you to be careful when applying for deregistration.

1.5 Once the game account is canceled, the user agreement between you and us regarding the game will be terminated (except for the agreement to continue in force). However, the termination of such agreement does not affect the responsibility you should bear for the use of this game service before the cancellation of the game account, and you still need to bear the corresponding responsibility for the use of this game service before the cancellation of the game account.including, but not limited to, liability for breach of contract, liability for damages and performance obligations that may arise.

1.6 Other (possible) consequences of account cancellation.

2. Before you apply or continue to apply for cancellation of your game account, in order to protect your account security and related rights and interests, you need to check and ensure that the game account you are applying for cancellation of has met the following conditions at the same time, which include but are not limited to.

2.1 The game account is legally owned and logged in for your own use, and complies with the provisions of the user agreement and the relevant description of the rules of the game account.

2.2 Cancellation conditions account in a safe state: account in normal use, not in violation of the processing (refers to the account due to violation of the game-related agreements, rules were taken by the blocking of the number and other measures to deal with) during the period, and there is no theft, blocked and other risks.

2.3 The relevant game proceeds in the game account have been settled or properly handled: including but not limited to treasure chests, gems, skins, players, membership rights and other game proceeds.Please properly dispose of your game proceeds, if not disposed of at the time of cancellation, you are deemed to have voluntarily given up such game proceeds.

2.4 The game account is not in the unfinished state orders: including but not limited to the game account based on the game virtual props, peripheral merchandise orders.

2.5 The game account without any disputes: including complaints and reports, complaints and reports, state organs to investigate, arbitration, litigation and other disputes.

2.6 Other conditions officially announced by the Game.

You can first try to deal with the above problems on your own, if you can't deal with it or have any doubts in the process, you can contact Singles Basketball customer service to help deal with it.

3. how to cancel the game account

3.1 You need to follow the cancellation process and operation guidelines provided by our official channels, and carry out the cancellation operation in the relevant function setting page.

3.2 You have agreed to the entire contents of this Cancellation Agreement; at the same time, you have checked and confirmed that the requirements of Article 2 of this Agreement have been met.

3.3 After you have completed the above Article 3.2, in order to further protect your legitimate rights and interests, we have the right to verify whether you have met some or all of the cancellation conditions set forth in Article 2 of this Agreement, as the case may be.If we verify, we have the right to determine whether your account meets the conditions for cancellation based on the security status of your account and your use of related products and services. In order to protect your account security and property rights and interests, we have the right to verify the identity of the cancellation application to determine that you are the rightful user of the game account.If we find after comprehensive judgment that the game account does not meet the conditions for cancellation, or identity verification fails, your cancellation may fail, you can follow our guidelines for subsequent operations or contact Singles Basketball customer service to assist in processing. Even if we judge that you meet the conditions for cancellation, it is based on your commitment to

(i.e., your own commitment to ensure that the game account meets the above conditions for cancellation) for the formal review, but still by your own account to meet the above conditions for cancellation of the game account to bear the responsibility to ensure that we do not assume the corresponding legal responsibility.

3.4 We will complete the verification and processing of your cancellation application within 15 natural days. The specific deregistration process and rules are subject to the account deregistration rules stated by the game officials.

However, please note that if you use the account to log in and use the Game during the agreed period of processing of the account cancellation request, you will be deemed to have revoked the account cancellation request.At the same time, you understand and agree that before deleting or anonymizing the personal information under the account, in order to maximize the protection of your legitimate rights and interests and the legitimate rights and interests of other users, it will take some time for us to sort out and deal with the personal information under the account accordingly, therefore, there may be a certain delay in the deletion or anonymization of the personal information under the account by us.

3.5 You understand and agree that during the period of your application for account cancellation, if we need to verify the relevant transactions, complaints or other matters related to your account, or if we have other reasonable grounds, we have the right to freeze your application for account cancellation and suspend the provision of cancellation services to you.

4. Other

4.1 This Agreement is a part of the User Agreement ("Master Agreement"), and the Master Agreement applies to all matters not covered by this Agreement. If there is any inconsistency between this Agreement and the Master Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. At the same time, you know and agree that.Even if your game account of the game is canceled, it does not alleviate or exempt you from the related responsibilities that you should (may) need to bear according to the relevant laws and regulations, relevant agreements, rules, and so on.

4.2 The place of this Agreement is the People's Republic of ChinaHanyang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province。

4.3 The laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China (excluding conflict of laws) shall apply to the establishment, entry into force, performance, interpretation and dispute resolution of this Agreement.

4.4 Any dispute or controversy between you and us arising out of (and/or in connection with) this Agreement shall be resolved first by amicable negotiation; in the event that the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or controversy to the jurisdiction of the people's court having jurisdiction over the place where this Agreement is signed.

4.5 If there are any problems in the process of account cancellation that you cannot handle or if you have any doubts in the process, you can contact Basketball Duel customer service to assist in the process.