Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for "Starverse" - Effective Date: [05/01/2024]

At Starfire Studios, we are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our players. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information when you use our virtual reality game "Starverse" available on the Oculus VR platform. By accessing or using the Game, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

A. IP Address: When you access and use the Game, we may collect your current IP address through PlayFab, a third-party service, for the sole purpose of implementing IP bans to prevent unauthorized access and enforce our terms of service.

B. In-Game Username: We collect your in-game username to enhance your gaming experience and to enforce our policy against using racist or offensive slurs in usernames. This helps maintain a friendly and respectful community within the Game.

C. In-App Purchases: If you make in-app purchases in the Game, our third-party payment processors will collect and process the necessary payment information. We do not directly collect or store your payment details.

A. IP Address: The IP address collected through PlayFab is used exclusively for enforcing IP bans and monitoring potential unauthorized access to the Game. It is not used for any other purpose.

B. In-Game Username: Your in-game username is used to identify you within the Game and for moderation purposes, ensuring compliance with our guidelines on appropriate usernames.

C. In-App Purchases: We use your payment information solely for processing your in-app purchases. We do not store your payment details on our servers.

A. Third-Party Service Providers: We may share your IP address and in-game username with third-party service providers, such as PlayFab, to assist us in providing and maintaining the Game. These service providers are bound by contractual obligations to keep your information secure and confidential and may not use it for any other purpose.

B. Legal Requirements: We may disclose your information if required by law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request.

C. Protecting Rights and Safety: We may disclose your information to protect the rights, property, or safety of our company, our users, or others, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Contact Email:

Upon receiving a valid deletion request, we will make reasonable efforts to promptly delete your personal data from our records, except where retention is required by law or for legitimate business purposes. Please note that certain data necessary for providing the Game or complying with legal obligations may be retained even after the deletion of your personal data.

We take the privacy of our users seriously, and we are committed to handling data deletion requests promptly and responsibly. 

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your privacy, please feel free to reach out to us at the provided contact email. 

By using "Starverse", you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy Policy and agree to the collection and use of your information as described herein.