The Un-Kidnappable Robot: Acoustic Localization of Sneaking People

Mengyu Yang^Patrick Grady^Samarth Brahmbhatt*,  

Arun Balajee Vasudevan**Charles C. Kemp***James Hays^

^Georgia Institute of Technology *Intel Labs 

**Carnegie Mellon University ***Hello Robot Inc.


How easy is it to sneak up on a robot? We examine whether we can detect where people are using only the incidental sounds they produce as they move, even when they try to be quiet. We collect a robotic dataset of high-quality 4-channel audio paired with 360 degree RGB data of people moving in different indoor settings. We train models that predict whether there is a moving person nearby and then their location. We implement our method on a robot in real time, demonstrating the ability for robots to navigate populated indoor spaces in a passive manner.

3-Minute Video

7-Minute Video

The Robot Kidnapper Dataset

We collect data across 4 movement categories: standing still, quiet walking, normal walking, and loud walking. Each category is under 2 robot settings: static and dynamic robot. We collect data across 8 rooms and 12 participants. Below are examples from a few categories. Headphones recommended! 🎧

Quiet Walking, Static Robot

static robot, quiet walking .mp4

Normal Walking, Dynamic Robot

dynamic robot, normal walking .mp4

Robot Demo

Third Person

First Person