Enrollment System Chapter2

Part 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This section gives the related writing and studies critical to the proposed framework. This section additionally incorporates the hypothetical structure of the current framework, and the calculated structure of the proposed framework. Related Literature Computerization of each procedure lessens human mistakes and handling time, it can likewise help up profitability. “Computers are the best methods for capacity and the board of information, they can fill in as gigantic information bases and can be saddled for a wide range of money related exchanges attributable to their preparing influence and capacity limits.As PCs are a day by day utility, they have increased massive significance in everyday life. ” - http://www. buzzle. com/articles/significance of-PC instruction. html Computer gives a huge stockpiling of information, which can be utilized by a significant stretch of time. It is the incredible preferred position of PC against the manual written by hand procedure of enlistment. Nearby. Our country… (in any event 5 references, 2006 and above) Further examined.. Remote. Technology… (at any rate 5 references, 2006 and above) Different … Related StudiesNeighborhood. In the led investigation of Charlene G. Bulao et. al in their undergrad practicality study entitled “A Proposed Computerized Enrollment System for Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela”, the contextual investigation expressed that the school’s enlistment process are tedious, repetitive understudy records, and has a moderate recovery of understudy records. Comparable with the expressed issue of manual enlistment framework at Canumay National High School the main contrast is that Pamantasn ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (PLV) equires installment for the education cost. Both of the examination plan to build up a framework that will decrease the repetition of understudies data, diminish the expended time in enlistment process, and a quick recovery of understudies records. The proposed investigation by Gretchen S. Bation et. al (March 2011) in their undergrad postulation study entitled “LAN-Based Enrollment System for San Diego Parochial School”, they intend to build up a framework that is made sure about and sorted out using sign in structure so as to keep away from unapproved access in the framework.A framework that will naturally area the understudy, a framework that will give an advantageous method to recover, update, and oversee understudies records utilizing electronic database, and a framework that will consequently process the installment of education cost and parities of the understudy. The investigation is likewise like the proposed examination by the advocates, the main contrast is the framework for San Diego Parochial School has a calculation for the installment of education cost comparable with the PLV. In the examination led by Viroel Marcelo et. l (March 2003) in their undergrad practicality study entitled “Enrollment System of San Francisco High School”, the fundamental goal of their examination is to help the innovation of the school regarding enlistment, a mechanized enlistment framework that will give all understudies and employee an exact, quicker, increasingly effective and advantageous to the enlistment procedure of the establishment. Comparable with the examination, the framework proposed by the advocates likewise plans to present something new with the enlistment procedure that will profit the two understudies and employees.San Francisco High School and Canumay National High School is both a state funded school, both of the framework isn't require to register for the installment of education cost. Outside. The proposed The proposed… Theoretical Framework of the Study Figure 4 Theoretical Framework of the Existing Enrollment System of Canumay National High School The worldview shows the current framework that features the weakness of a manual enlistment framework. In the current framework, understudies ordinarily topped off the enlistment structure requesting their own data joined by their report card last school year.Employees will gather all the documents presented by the enrollees. During the get-away period, instructors will currently isolate the understudy by their normal evaluation and search for the student’s records in their cupboards. After the partition of areas the educator will compose the rundown of understudies selected per segment in their columnar, enrollees will know the fitting segment upon the beginning of classes. Theoretical Framework of the Study Figure 5 Conceptual Framework of the Proposed Advance Enrollment System for Canumay National High SchoolThe worldview shows the proposed framework that features the benefit of an automated enlistment framework. In the proposed framework, all the significant data of each enrollee will be filled â€up in a structure and to be spare in the framework for simple recovery for the following enlistment season along with their report card. The inputted evaluations will be registered by the framework and will consequently pick the suitable area of the selected understudy. The framework will currently create the printed timetable of the understudies and it can likewise deliver the printed duplicate of all the selected understudies per area. â€â€â€â€â€â€â€- INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT HANDWRITTEN STUDENT INFORMATION; NAME, ADDRESS, PARENT’S NAME. REPORT CARD MANUAL: COMPUTATION RECORD OF DATA SEARCH OF DATA COMPILATION OF DATA MANUAL RECORDING OF INFORMATION; WRITTEN LIST OF STUDENTS INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT FILL-UP STUDENT INFORMATION; NAME, ADDRESS, PARENT’S NAME. REPORT CARD AUTOMATIC COMPILATION; DBMS HANDLES ALL FILES ADEQUATE PRINTED REPORT: PRINTED SCHEDULE; PRINTED LIST OF STUDENTS PER SECTION