Student guide

These are video PowerPoints prepared by Ob-Gyn and Nursing and Midwifery faculty from the University of Rwanda on different topics in contraception and abortion, for you to view in your own time. Each session will have a quiz that you can take before and after viewing the videos to assess how much you gained from the presentation. If you want to view the PowerPoints separately, they are also available to download. This student guide is meant to orient you how best to utilize these resources as part of your medical/midwifery training. Your faculty instructors may instruct you to view this video PowerPoints and do the quizzes as pre-class work so the class time is used for more interactive and group based learning, the "Flipped Classroom". For more information on flipped classroom, click here.

Pre-class work

Per the direction of your teachers, watch the assigned video PowerPoints before your class session and also take the quizzes and watch relevant simulation content in the resource. Jot down any questions you may have regarding the topic either from the content you watched, from a clinical case you saw or anywhere else to take it to the classroom session and ask your teacher or peers.

In-class activities

- The class time will not be used for a lecture but instead, there will be small group case-based discussions and there will also be time to discuss the questions you may have.

- You may start with a short quiz questions to assess what you learned from the pre-class work.

- After that you will be given the opportunity to pose any questions you had from the pre-class work.

- Depending on the size of the class, you will form small groups of about 8-12. Based on the nature of the topic, you may do:

o Clinical vignettes or case studies

o Team-based games/problem-solving

o Debates

o Actual patient case presentations

o Role plays

- Your instructor will give individual and group feedback both during and at the end of the activities and feel free to ask questions at any point during the session.