
The Manifesto

As professors, researchers, foreign language readers and members of the technical and administrative staff of the University of Messina, we believe it is necessary to take a clear stance against the construction of the Strait of Messina Bridge. We are convinced that this project is unsustainable from an economic, environmental, social, cultural, legal and technical perspective. This was clearly highlighted by the findings presented during the environmental impact assessment process and by the observations of the major Italian environmental associations, alongside those of the No-Bridge citizen initiatives. All of them have pointed out numerous gaps in the current project.


We build on the numerous initiatives promoted by the No-Bridge movement, the educational sector and other expressions of civil society. As signatories, we aim to promote a mobilization that starts from the University and reaches out to the entire community, with a view to stimulating a debate inspired by the following principles:

1. Transparency of public decision-making process

2. Ethics of sharing and consultation

3. Enhancement of scholarly research, in light of the plurality and interconnection of knowledge

An established body of scientific literature, as well as non-academic and opinion-based texts, have stressed the negative impact of the project on the Strait area, not only from a technical-environmental standpoint, but also from ethical, social and public health perspectives. The material damages and psychological distress linked to expropriations are a case in point, and so is the severe impact that a 10-year construction process will have on the social and urban fabric.

However, what is missing is a public space that can make the results of these studies, as well as the connected reflections, available to citizens as a whole, in a transparent and shared manner.

The first step of this mobilization will be a public assembly (21 june 2024, 4:00pm), as an opportunity to discuss the future of our territory.