How To Dream Intuitively

Have you ever had a dream that was powerfully vivid, yet you weren't sure what it meant? Or perhaps you've experienced dreams that predicted a future event? The power of dreams is truly fascinating! It's worth exploring because it can help us with our lives, if we allow.

Lynn Heisler, from her work as an Acupuncturist, Folk Artist and over 30 years experience as an Intuitive reader, has put together information and processes to help you do exactly that! In this book, "How to Dream Intuitively" we look for the answers to often asked questions like "Was it just a dream?", "Did that dream mean something?" or "Why do I have these dreams?". During her years as an Intuitive Reader and also as an Acupuncturist, clients would often address the subject of dreaming. It's a deep and seemingly mysterious field of work, that has many layers. It requires time and patience as well as an openess to the spiritual aspect of our existence. In this book, you can learn how to interpret your dreams and more about the messages they may hold!
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