Universality & Integrability in KPZ

March 11-15, 2024

Columbia University in the City of New York

This workshop will be focused on topics related to the KPZ universality class. This is a broad class of probabilistic models coming mostly from probability theory and mathematical physics (including random interface growth models, directed random polymers and certain interacting particle systems) which share common universal fluctuation behavior. This universal behavior manifests itself in the form of common scaling exponents and a common scaling limit, which are independent of the microscopic description of model. 

Apart from the intrinsic physical interest of this class of models, the subject has attracted intense research interest during the last two decades due to the rich behavior it exhibits and the various, deep connections it has with other areas of mathematics in general and probability in particular, including random matrix theory, SPDEs, integrable systems and combinatorics. This has given rise to a proliferation of methods and approaches being used to study different aspects of the field. These different approaches are deeply connected, and the goal of the workshop is to bring experts in them together with young researchers interested in the area, and to give them a broad view of the many important advances that have taken place in the field in recent years.

This workshop will also provide an occasion to celebrate the work of Jeremy Quastel and his 60th birthday.

We graciously acknowledge support for this conference from the following sources: