Universal Machine Postmarks

of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Universal machines installed 1910 -1924 (in approximate chronological order) -scanned images of the postmarks are not to scale, intended only for a simple

visual check of these early dies

** thanks to everyone who has contributed scans **

The first Universal machine in Great Britain, installed 1910 for a trial at London E.C.  The machine was given letter H as its designation (the office's Columbia machines had letters A to E and the Krag machines F and G).  Examples seen  7 Nov 1910 - 8 Feb 1911, this one from the Jack Peach collection, BPS.

Late example of the same die with part of the letter H missing.  This damage had already occurred before the end of December 1910 and is thought to have been deliberate (changing the H into something resembling a letter I) to distinguish between this and the second trial machine, both operating concurrently.

Second trial machine at London E.C., brought into use a few days after the first one.  Confusingly, this had also been given an H designation but it is easily recognised by the large, closely spaced lettering of the die.  Examples seen 17 Nov 1910 - 22 May 1911.

The final 1910 trial, this time at London S.W.  Examples seen 8 Dec 1910 - 3 Aug 1911.

After a gap of several months (following the withdrawal of the first three Universal trial machines) the next trial was conducted at Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Examples seen 1 Feb 1912 - 6 Apr 1912.

Subsequent to the conclusion of the four trials, the 1913 installation at Doncaster is believed to be the first Universal machine purchased for permanent use.  It was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 23 Jun 1913 onwards.

Following the removal in 1911 of the office's two trial models, a permanent machine was installed at London E.C. in 1913, this time without any identifying letter.  Examples seen 18 Dec 1913 onwards.

St Albans - another permanent installation (the office's first stamp-cancelling machine).  Examples seen 22 Dec 1913 onwards.

Leytonstone S.D.O. (London E.11), believed to be a trial machine. It was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine and the first Universal in suburban London. Examples seen 10 Feb 1914 - 2 Jun 1914.

The first of three Universal machines to be installed in 1914/1915 at Manchester, working alongside Columbia and Krag machines.  The three Universals were designated K, L and M.  Examples of K machine seen 8 May 1914 onwards.

Croydon saw the first use of an arc to fill the white space at the foot of the die.  The outer arc is thought to be the rim of the die.  Examples seen 20 Jul 1914 onwards.

In another experiment with the format, the Stockport die had a thick arc and an inner circle.  Sadly, this aesthetically pleasing format was rarely used elsewhere.  Examples seen 21 Dec 1914 onwards.

The first use of a thinner arc (which would become the standard format) was at Swindon.  It was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 3 Apr 1915 onwards.

London N.W. - believed to be a trial machine.  Examples seen 5 Apr 1915 - 19 Jul 1915 but, with its thick arc, it seems likely this die was engraved prior to the one used at Swindon.

Cardiff's Bute Docks was an important branch office, justifying the installation of its own machine, albeit for a short period only.  Examples seen 26 Jul 1915 - 10 Apr 1920.

Epsom needed a machine during World War 1 to cope with an increased volume of postings from local army camps.  Examples seen 20 Aug 1915 - 7 Aug 1919 after which the office reverted to handstamping mail.

The Universal machine at London's Mount Pleasant sorting office was the first to feature a die with two separate arcs (to accommodate machine letter C).  Examples seen 1 Sep 1915 onwards. By late-1917 this 'C' die had been replaced by a simpler format, without any machine letter.

Manchester's second Universal machine.  Examples seen 1 Sep 1915 onwards.

Glasgow's first Universal machine, designated C as there were two Columbia machines already in regular use (identified as machines A and B).  Examples seen 18 Oct 1915 onwards.

Folkestone, a major port for refugee and troop movements during World War 1, received the first of several Universal machines issued to offices in Kent and Sussex.  In most cases, the Universal was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 2 Nov 1915 onwards.

This completed the trio at Manchester.  Examples seen 15 Nov 1915 onwards.

Loughborough was the first Midlands town to be issued with a Universal machine (it was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine).  Examples seen 12 Dec 1915 onwards.

Dover.  Just as at neighbouring Folkestone, this was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 19 Dec 1915 onwards.

Eastbourne - where the Universal replaced an earlier Krag machine.  Examples seen 23 Dec 1915 onwards.

Hastings.  Once again, the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 23 Dec 1915 onwards.

Maidstone.  Yet again, the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 24 Dec 1915 onwards.

Chesterfield - the Universal was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 27 Jan 1916 onwards.

Burton-on-Trent - again, it was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 7 Apr 1916 onwards.

This trial machine at Dulwich S.D.O. (London S.E.21), thought by earlier researchers to be a Universal, is now believed to have been a Columbia (similar circular dies, showing the full date on a single line, have been recorded in U.S. Columbia machines of the period). This example from 24 Jul 1916 is the only one seen from the Dulwich trial.

The Universal at Catterick Camp replaced an earlier Krag machine.  Examples seen 27 Mar1917 - 30 Nov 1919, with the camp then handstamping mail until a new post office was built in the 1930s.

After a long gap (with only one Universal introduction in the previous year), a machine appeared at Rochester & Chatham - the first stamp-cancelling machine at either office.  This is thought to be the first example of two or more offices being combined into a single generic identity, a concept that would gather pace in the coming years.  Examples seen 5 Nov 1918 onwards.

A further year would elapse before the next introduction, at Canterbury, where the Universal replaced an earlier Hey-Dolphin machine.  Examples seen 23 Dec 1919 onwards.

Following the 1910/1911 trial, London S.W. had reverted to its Columbia machines, with additional Krag machines and a single Alma machine continuing until this Universal was added in 1920.  This was the first of two dies, seen 20 Feb 1920 - 8 Apr 1920.

This was the second die used in the 1920 Universal machine at London S.W.1.  Examples seen 15 Apr 1920 - 28 Oct 1920, after which a bank of six Hey-Dolphin machines took over.

A machine appeared at London W.C. at a time when the office's Columbia and Krag machines were still in use.  This example from 3 Mar 1920 is the only one seen.

The Universal at Dublin seems to have been the office's third machine, introduced alongside two existing Hey-Dolphins.  Examples seen 12 Mar 1920 - 3 Aug 1921, after which the machine was sent to Limerick.

The Universal at Belfast joined a Hey-Dolphin machine already in use, probably intended to replace an obsolescent Columbia.  Examples seen 8 Apr 1920 - 27 Feb 1922.

The Universal machine at Bristol was installed alongside two existing Krags before they were all replaced by three Hey-Dolphin machines.  Examples seen 24 Sep 1920 - 27 Jul 1921.

Linear die used at Dulwich S.D.O., London S.E.21 - believed to be a trial of a hand-operated Universal machine (a unique use of this type of machine in the U.K.)  Examples seen 5 Oct 1920 - 1 Nov 1920.  An earlier trial at Dulwich (1916, with a circular die), which was previously thought to be a Universal, is now believed to have been a Columbia machine.

York's first Universal was a replacement for a Columbia machine.  It was seemingly an interim measure as it was soon superseded by a Hey-Dolphin.  Examples seen 8 Oct 1920 - 1 Aug 1921.

Hull - another short-lived Universal, deployed alongside an existing Krag machine, prior to the introduction of a Hey-Dolphin machine.  This example from 12 Oct 1920 is the only one seen.

The first of two Universals at Leeds - they were interim replacements for a Columbia and a Krag, prior to two Hey-Dolphins taking over.  Examples of 'A' die seen 14 Oct 1920 - 29 Aug 1921.

Worthing.  This was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.   Examples seen 18 Oct 1920 onwards.

The sequence of mechanisation at Wallasey was highly unusual.  An early Krag had been replaced by a Hey-Dolphin, only for it to be replaced by an ageing Columbia.  Subsequent to all of those changes, the Universal became the office's fourth type of machine.  Examples seen 5 Nov 1920 onwards.

Reading. Examples reported 21 Nov 1920 - 11 Nov 1921, after which a Hey-Dolphin machine took over.

The Universal at Bedford replaced a Columbia machine.  Examples seen 24 Nov 1920 onwards.

Universal machines were issued between 1920 and 1922 to all three main district offices in Liverpool (to replace Krag machines).  Northern District Office was the first to benefit from a Universal installation.  Examples seen 27 Nov 1920 onwards.

Margate's Universal was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine.  Examples seen 5 Dec 1920 onwards.

This was the first of three Universal machines that came into use in the 1920s at Edinburgh, recognisable by the E being well above the horizontal axis (and the B being central and approximately horizontal).  Examples seen 8 Dec 1920 - 31 Jan 1922.

The machine at Bow S.D.O. is significant as it was the first Universal to be permanently installed at a London sub-district office.  Examples seen 18 Dec 1920 onwards.

The second of the two short-duration Universals at Leeds.  Examples of 'B' die seen 18 Dec 1920 - 26 Sep 1921.

The Universal at Plymouth joined a Krag machine but was short-lived as it would soon be replaced by a Hey-Dolphin.  Examples seen 30 Dec 1920 - 26 Mar 1921.

Eastern District Office was Liverpool's second D.O. to receive a Universal machine.  Examples seen 8 Jan 1921 onwards.

As Edinburgh's busy port, Leith was deserving of an early Universal machine.  The sparing inscription of the die was perhaps to satisfy local sensibilities as Leith was historically an entirely separate burgh.  Examples seen 14 Jan 1921 onwards.

With its naval dockyard, Devonport was an important town in its own right (and not officially part of the City of Plymouth until 1928).  Its Universal machine replaced a Columbia.  Examples seen 28 Jan 1921 - 5 Mar 1923.

Perth's machine replaced a Krag and was Scotland's first Universal deployed outside of Glasgow and Edinburgh.  Examples seen 7 Feb 1921 onwards.

The Universal at Walsall followed the usual sequence, replacing a Krag machine.  Examples seen 1 Mar 1921 onwards.  In this example an error has occurred with the die being inverted when placed in the hub.

Glasgow Western D.O.  Examples seen 21 Mar 1921 onwards.

Perhaps surprisingly, the first Universal in Birmingham was not at head office.  Instead, it was issued to the suburban district office at Aston Manor. where it replaced a Columbia machine.  Examples seen 26 Apr 1921 onwards.

After 10 years with a Krag machine, Cork was upgraded to a Universal in 1921.  Examples seen 4 May 1921 onwards, with the machine then having an Irish die (inscribed CORCAIGH) fitted during May 1922.

Edinburgh's second Universal machine, distinguished by the E being closer to the horizontal axis and the B being slightly left of centre (and tilted to the left).  Examples seen 6 May 1921 - 26 Sep 1921.

Huddersfield's machine replaced a Krag.  Examples seen 23 May 1921 onwards.

Stoke Newington S.D.O.  Following the issue of a Universal machine to Bow in 1920, machines were soon spreading to other sub-district offices, displacing Krag machines.  Examples seen 25 May 1921 onwards.

Paddington was a major district office in its own right, belying its apparent position as no.2 in London's western district numbering.  This was the first of two Universals installed in 1921, taking over from two Krag machines.  Examples seen 11 Jul 1921 onwards.

Morecambe had its own town die from 1921 -1924, after which a combined LANCASTER-MORECAMBE designation was introduced.  Examples seen 18 Jul 1921 onwards.

The Universal at London E.1 took over from a Krag machine.  Examples seen 27 Jul 1921 onwards (a Hey-Dolphin was also available 1922 onwards but the Universal was always the office's main machine).

Burnley.  Examples seen 5 Aug 1921 onwards.

Carlisle.  Examples seen 9 Aug 1921 onwards.

Limerick.  Examples reported 13 Aug 1921 onwards, with the machine having an Irish die (inscribed LUIMNEACH) fitted during Apr 1922.

Finsbury Park S.D.O.  Examples seen 15 Aug 1921 onwards.

Camberwell S.D.O.  Examples seen 20 Aug 1921 onwards.

 Earl's Court S.D.O.  Examples seen 22 Aug 1921 onwards.

Newcastle-Tyne, clumsily abbreviated.  Following the short trial of a Universal machine in 1912, Newcastle had reverted to its Columbia machine, with a Krag also being installed.  It was a full nine years before the office gained a permanent Universal machine.  Examples seen 23 Aug 1921 onwards.

Manchester's busy South Western District Office.  Examples seen 25 Aug 1921 onwards.

Peckham S.D.O.  Examples seen 30 Aug 1921 onwards.

Notting Hill S.D.O.  Examples seen 2 Sep 1921 onwards.

Ealing S.D.O.  Examples seen 7 Sep 1921 onwards.

Southampton, where the Universal replaced a Columbia machine.  Interestingly, this was one of only three main city offices never to have had a Krag machineExamples of the Universal seen 15 Sep 1921 onwards.

Southampton also had a dedicated die for stamping mail posted at sea.

Aberdeen, where the Universal replaced a Columbia machine.  This was one of just three main city offices never to have had a Krag machine (the others being Glasgow and Southampton).  Examples of the Universal seen 15 Sep 1921 onwards.

Glasgow 'A' was the city's second Universal machine (the first had been designated C as there were still two Columbia machines (A and B) in use at that time.  Examples of the Glasgow 'A' Universal seen 21 Sep 1921 onwards.

Glasgow Waterloo Street was a major branch office, second only in the city to the G.P.O. in George Square.  The Universal at Waterloo Street replaced a Columbia machine.  Examples seen 28 Sep 1921 onwards (in July 1922 the inscription of the die was changed to GLASGOW / —2—)

The Universal at Cardiff replaced a Columbia machine.  Examples seen 1 Oct 1921 onwards.

Glasgow's third Universal machine, designated 'B' (earlier installations were, firstly C, secondly A).  Examples seen 5 Oct 1921 onwards.

London N.W.1.  This was a permanent installation, more than six years after the short trial of an earlier Universal model.  Examples seen 11 Oct 1921 onwards.

LONDON S.E.1 'B' - image needed

One of three Universal machines installed late-1921 at London S.E.1. Examples of 'B' machine reported 14 Oct 1921 onwards.

Glasgow's fourth Universal machine, designated 'D' (earlier installations were, firstly C, secondly A, thirdly B).  Examples seen 14 Oct 1921 onwards.

Hammersmith S.D.O. (with plenty of unused space in the die, this was an unnecessary abbreviation!) Examples seen 16 Oct 1921 onwards.

Birmingham's Universal was installed to replace an obsolete Columbia machine. Examples seen 19 Oct 1921 onwards, although three Hey-Dolphin machines did most of the work following their introduction in 1922.

The Universal machine at Sheffield took over from a Krag which was then retained as a reserve (the office's Columbia machine had seemingly ended three years previously). Examples seen 3 Nov 1921 onwards.

One of three Universal machines installed late-1921 at London S.E.1. Examples of 'C' machine seen 8 Nov 1921 onwards.

The Universal at Torquay was the office's first stamp-cancelling machine. Examples seen 8 Nov 1921 onwards.

Tunbridge Wells. Examples seen 9 Nov 1921 onwards.

Wimbledon S.D.O. Examples seen 10 Nov 1921 onwards.

SAL was the Post Office's abbreviation for Salford (not Sale) - this was at least an improvement on the enigmatic S.L. designation used in the earlier Krag machine. Examples of Salford's Universal seen 21 Nov 1921 onwards.

Cambridge. Examples seen 24 Nov 1921 onwards.

Kennington S.D.O. Examples seen 25 Nov 1921 onwards.

Glasgow's fifth Universal machine, joining machines designated A to D (but only for a short period)Unlike the others, this die did not display a machine letter. Examples seen 3 Dec 1921 - 23 Oct 1922.

The Universal at London N.1 replaced an obsolete Columbia machine. Examples seen 7 Dec 1921 onwards.

One of three Universal machines installed late-1921 at London S.E.1. Examples of 'A' machine seen 8 Dec 1921 onwards.

This was the second of two Universals installed at Paddington District Office in 1921, identified by use of the 'A' designation.  Examples seen 20 Dec 1921 onwards.

Chelsea S.D.O. Examples seen 21 Dec 1921 onwards.

Acton S.D.O. Examples seen 19 Jan 1922 onwards.

Southern District Office was Liverpool's third D.O. to receive a Universal machine.  Examples seen 19 Jan 1922 onwards.

Walthamstow S.D.O. Examples seen 3 Feb 1922 onwards.

Tooting S.D.O. Examples seen 10 Feb 1922 onwards.

Wakefield. Examples seen 16 Feb 1922 onwards.

Poplar S.D.O. Examples seen 24 Feb 1922 onwards.

Paisley. Examples seen 28 Mar 1922 onwards.

St John's Wood S.D.O. Examples seen 2 May 1922 onwards.

Watford, where the Universal was its first machine. Examples seen 8 May 1922 onwards.

Holloway S.D.O. Examples seen 4 Jun 1922 onwards.

Glasgow South East D.O. (the second of the city's District Offices to benefit from a Universal machine). Examples seen 8 Jun 1922 onwards.

Unusual at the time for the county being included in the inscription (but only to avoid confusion with Richmond Yorkshire). Examples seen 8 Jun 1922 onwards.

Streatham S.D.O. Examples seen 8 Jun 1922 onwards.

Clapham S.D.O. Examples seen 12 Jun 1922 onwards.

Brixton S.D.O. Examples seen 14 Jun 1922 onwards.

Lincoln. In a rare reversal of the usual sequence, the Universal here replaced a Hey-Dolphin machine. Examples seen 21 Jun 1922 onwards.

Wandsworth S.D.O. Examples seen 4 Jul 1922 onwards.

Great Yarmouth. Examples seen 14 Jul 1922 onwards.

Birmingham Camp Hill, a district office situated to the south east of the city centre. Examples seen 22 Jul 1922 onwards.

Kingston-on-Thames. Examples reported 31 Jul 1922 onwards.

Manchester's fourth Universal (joining machines designated K, L and M). Examples seen 31 Jul 1922 onwards.

Fulham S.D.O. Examples seen Aug 1922 onwards.

Stockton-on-Tees. Examples reported 2 Aug 1922 onwards.

Bethnal Green S.D.O. Examples seen 10 Aug 1922 onwards.

Chiswick S.D.O. Examples seen 25 Aug 1922 onwards.

Gateshead, where the Universal was the office's first and only machine. Examples seen 6 Sep 1922 onwards.

Ilford. Examples seen 17 Sep 1922 onwards.

Putney S.D.O. Examples reported 13 Oct 1922 onwards.

Colchester. Examples reported 28 Nov 1922 onwards.

Twickenham. Examples reported 24 Feb 1923 onwards.

West Bromwich. Examples reported 15 May 1923 onwards.

This installation was slightly strange because Edinburgh already had two Hey-Dolphin machines. Perhaps as a result of this, the Universal was used sparingly. Examples seen 4 Sep 1923 - 11 Sep 1925 but only spasmodically. Distinguished from Edinburgh's earlier Universal dies by virtue of its broader H and asymmetric arc.

Blackpool was issued with a Universal to operate alongside a Hey-Dolphin machine (both were installed during Aug 1924, at which time the office's Krag machine was withdrawn). Inclusion of the county name, still unusual in 1924, would become the norm as the decade progressed. Examples seen 11 Aug 1924 onwards.

Rochdale. Another example (as had occurred at Lincoln) of a Universal replacing a Hey-Dolphin machine. Examples seen 17 Oct 1924 onwards.

Sunderland. Examples seen 5 Nov 1924 onwards.

South Kensington S.D.O. Examples seen 14 Nov 1924 onwards.

Stockwell S.D.O. Another Universal that displaced a Hey-Dolphin machine. Examples seen 19 Nov 1924 onwards.

Brighton. Examples seen 21 Dec 1924 onwards.

Norwich. Yet another Universal that replaced a Hey-Dolphin machine. Perhaps the faster Hey-Dolphin machines were needed at the time at larger offices. Examples seen 24 Dec 1924 onwards.