About The Spiritual Journey Courses

. “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself” – Chinese Proverb

♦️ Helping Professionals Rediscover Passion, Purpose & Pleasure As They Unearth Life's Meaning & Promise ♦️

★If you are a professional that's fed up with simply not knowing the bigger picture of what life is all about, its meaning and its promise, then you may want to explore a profound and magical way of getting out of the rut, and become liberated from the circle of illusion. Create for yourself a brighter tomorrow, feel super ♦Click Here To☟ everyday.


I serve professionals from all walks of life who are feeling:

⇨ Stifled by old belief systems

⇨ There is more to life than is ordinarily accessible

⇨ Curious to learn at an esoteric-spiritual level

⇨ That preparation for the afterlife is essential

⇨ That religions and religious dogma are limited and can only go so far.

⇨ That want to use more than the culturally accepted 10% of their brain

And know there has to be more to life... if only they could find it.




I provide life-changing

★ Home Studies

★ Group webinars

★ 1 on 1, Coaching

★ Access to Videos

★ Facebook Group

Which means clients become

♠︎ Alive

♠︎ Alert

♠︎ Awake

♠︎ Aware

♠︎ Active

And find the vigour that life should have!




✰ Here are some of the main subjects referred to in 'The Spiritual Journey' first half-semester ♦

1) Who and what are you? Inner and outer lives, Electro-magnetic life, physical life, development possible.

2) The universe we live in, and the Ray of Creation, 7 levels.

3) Understanding the Zodiac through star signs, planets, colour.


I’ve been on my own spiritual journey for over 50 years and can help you to get the incredible results I have had along the way!

Helping you to understand with my online coaching, a course in Esoteric, Occult and Religious

understanding of life and creation. An invigorating, well connected Spiritual, Living Philosophy that opens doors to your True Self! Please contact me for further information and free introduction videos. You will receive the tools, notions, understandings, and connections that will help you discover for yourself your real purpose that gives you a fulfilling, refreshing life and the promise of a higher Afterlife.

The Spiritual Journey has two main courses

The First course possibility is:

1. Weekly access to a live webinar session!

♦️ Enroll for One year

♦️ There are 12 webinars in one semester, each on a Tuesday evening at 7 pm London time.

♦️ You will receive an email notification about half an hour before the webinar starts with the latest lesson.

♦️ There are 2 semesters 24 webinar lessons in a year! You will have access to the last 24 recorded video webinars.

♦️ If you miss a webinar lesson it will be posted for one year and accessible at any time for review.

♦️ You enrol for one year at a time.

♦️ Each year you will receive a Certificate for the lessons covered.

♦️ You enrol for one year at a time. If you are not satisfied after 6 weeks you can leave with full money back guarantee!

♦️ Highly recommended is a 2 year engagement in these studies, however a ten year engagement is also possible!

♦️ Doing The course with just a small Donation fee is possible, so if you wish to do the course and can only afford a small donation then please contact me!

♦️ Another way of becoming a Member is by buying my book Olympic Fever: again please contact me!





Many interconnecting subjects are covered in The Spiritual Journey. Below is a Buzan Type Diagram to out line some of the subjects covered in the first year in an effort to present the bigger picture and enable one to live a full and rewarding spiritual life full of real Promise! You are in the middle of it all; With such subjects one can make real connections toward a spiritually fulfilling life style.

The Spiritual Journey


Celestial Level

Meditations - UFOs

Hats - Pilgrims Progress - Extraterrestrial life

/ Star Level \

Detection - Egypt Ancient - Civilisations - Myths

The Taj Mahal - The Bible


Festivals - Body building - Sun Level body - Clairvoyance

Groundwork - Solar - Animation

Who and What you are

Art - Astral Body - Ethereal Body - Sensitive

/ \ Mediumship

Atmospheres - Astral domain - Psyche

Awareness Tarot 21 cards

Consciousness 22 card - Astrology 12 Signs

78 cards

Octaves - Horoscope - Man Woman Mystery

Astronomy - Planet s / Identity \

/ You \

Healing 7 levels - Divinity - Individuality

/ Orbs \

Elemental Life

Mathematics - Languages - Fairies

Tuning Forks - Family Tree - Colour - Power of the Mind


Symbols - Form - Electrics

Reincarnation - Signs

Shape - The Aura

Palmistry Science

Pre-reincarnation - Magnetics

Culture - Music - Etheric

Spiritual - Laws - Physical

Occult - Esoteric - Religions Biology 14 body Systems

The Ray of Creation

Trees - Nature - Crystals
