About Us

The Unity Coalition of the Southern Alleghenies was formed decades ago with the intent to fight oppression of fellow humans. We have now re-organized with the goals of the original founders, to: 

Promote respect for difference, to repudiate words and acts of hatred, intimidation and violence, and to take a public stand for equality, diversity and non-violence. PEACE.

Members of our group recognize that fellow humans, the earth and the organisms that inhabit it deserve respect and consideration. To promote our goals of unification we organize and coordinate the following: 

1. Education forums for the public 

2. Unification actions 

3. Change actions (mailings, phone calls, marches etc) 

We consist of a diverse group of people from the Southern Alleghenies, and all members of the community are welcome to contribute ideas for actions or goals onto the facebook page, by email or by attending our meetings. 

As a Coalition, we welcome like-minded groups to join forces with us since we can accomplish more together. Our page can serve as a central point for event publication. Fellow organizers, we ask that you please abide by our Unity Pledge. If you are interested in joining with us, please contact us at unitycoalitionalleghenies@gmail.com or by messaging us on facebook. 

We host an Annual Multicultural Ethnic Dinner at the Bottleworks! 

This is a chance to gather in community, learn about other cultures and eat AMAZING food. Our annual ethnic dinner features an array of international dishes prepared by volunteer chefs, entertainment, and garments to admire from around the globe. We have now sold out this event for the past three years. In addition, this events raises funds for our years events and our partner, The Bottleworks.   This year was our THIRD and most successful dinner so far! 

Unity Coalition Partners with NAACP to host Juneteenth celebratory event in downtown Johnstown

What is Juneteenth?

A festival to commemorate the emancipation of the last slaves from Texas in 1865.

The Unity Coalition has partnered with the NAACP for several years and features fun for kids and adults! Come next year if you missed it. 

The Unity Coalition partnered with the UPJ Black Action Society and other local groups to  host a viewing of the documentary the 13th, followed by a  discussion of race relations in the U.S. 

 We ask that you adhere to the following when attending meetings or serving as a volunteer: 

Agreement for Group Meetings 

1. Make sure everyone is able to contribute. 

2. Only one person speaks at a time. 

3. Respect others opinions even if you do not agree with them. 

4. Participate and recognize that building relationships in our community is a practice. 

5. Confidentiality. Some things shouldn’t be repeated outside of this meeting if requested by the speaker. 

6. You can critique ideas, but not people. Assume that we all have the best intentions and are doing the best we can. 

7. Strive for unity, honor everyone’s right to personal expression and commit to exploring a greater understanding. 

8. Transformation can be challenging. Recognize that we cannot know everything and we are apt to see only what is familiar. Honor the feelings that show up that present challenges. Breath. 

9. Be conscience of time. Generally you have two minutes to state your position.

Volunteer Agreement 

We embrace diversity and inclusion as core values. We are committed to creating an environments that is rooted in the responsibility of each person to create a space that welcomes, celebrates and promotes respect for the multiplicity of human experience, including ethnicity, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientations, historical traditions, age, religion, veteran status, and socioeconomic backgrounds. All volunteers will be held accountable to positively contribute and help create a “brave” space at all times by promoting values and actions that discourage intolerance and discrimination. We are confident that differences are strengths that help to build collective power and look forward to having you join our coalition!