Unity has integrations with two version control systems: PerforceA version control system for file change management. More info

See in Glossary and Plastic SCM. To use the version control integrations in Unity, you need to have either a Perforce or Plastic SCM server set up for your Unity Project.

Under Version ControlA system for managing file changes. You can use Unity in conjunction with most common version control tools, including Perforce, Git, Mercurial and PlasticSCM. More info

See in Glossary there are the following settings:

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Configure the Version Control settings, then select the Connect button next to the status area to connect to the version control system. When Unity connects to the system, Connected displays in the status area.

To adjust your revision control tool, open Preferences and then select the External Tools section. You can choose a new tool under Revision Control Diff/Merge.

When you set the Editor up to work with your version control system, you can perform version control operations via the Editor, instead of in the version control client. To do this, right-click on the Asset in the Project view.

In some version control systems, such as Perforce, versioned files are read-only by default,and require you to check them out before you edit them (unless you have enabled the Work offline setting). When you work with versioned Assets from the Editor, the InspectorA Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, asset or project settings, allowing you to inspect and edit the values. More info

See in Glossary displays a Check Out button that enables file editing. Additionally, Project SettingsA broad collection of settings which allow you to configure how Physics, Audio, Networking, Graphics, Input and many other areas of your project behave. More info

See in Glossary inspectors have a Checkout button that you can use to check out specific Project settings.

Unity writes any Assets you modify or mark as modified in the Editor to the disk when it performs a Save Project operation. The Assets are then checked out in version control if needed. This might lead to Assets getting checked out even if no actual changes to the file happens. This most often happens when an Editor script calls EditorUtility.SetDirty on an Asset, without checking if it was modified.

Note: If Unity cannot commit your changes to your version control client (for example, if the server is down or if license issues occur), it stores your changes in a separate changeset.

The Outgoing tab lists all of the local changes that are pending a commit into version control. The Incoming tab lists all of the changes that need to be pulled from version control.

Unity Version Control is a scalable, engine-agnostic version control and source code management tool for better collaboration across disciplines. With superior speed handling large files and binaries, it combines both centralized and distributed workflows, so both artists and programmers can work the way they need to.

Unity Version Control is a scalable, engine-agnostic version control and source code management tool for game development studios of all sizes. Built with powerful Plastic SCM technology, Unity Version Control offers optimized workflows for artists and programmers and superior speed working with large files and binaries. See how our users have leveraged this technology to create without compromise.

No, you can combine Unity Version Control with almost any other software in your stack to unlock a powerful VCS. However, the Unity Version Control package for Unity makes using version control within the core game engine extra intuitive.

Unity Version Control is source control for game development teams working with large repositories and files who only need a cloud server (and optional local cloned repos). You can push/pull (or directly check in) to a cloud server. Unity Version Control includes the client and the cloud service.

I am little lazy to read the emails sent by Unity. I've already knew about Unity version control, but I've never gave a try. As a long standing Software Enginnier, I have been using Git and Sourcetree. But also I use it to save images, models and music that I also make by myself.

According to the Unity tutorial, the only folders that should be in version control are Assets and ProjectSettings. The rest of the assets and files that make a project are supposed to be generated by Unity. As a test I tried to open a project directory that only contained these folders. It loaded the project, it just would not run because some dependencies were missing.

It seems that critical assets imported from the Asset Store are not contained in either of these folders, nor are they automatically generated when a project is opened, they must be installed/imported manually the first time. My goal with my version control is to be able to do a fresh pull from git and be able to run the project off the bat.

The easiest way of setting up version control for Unity it to use Unity's own version control called Plastic SCM. It has two modes: Programmer mode and artist mode. I recommend Artist mode (Called Plastic Gluon) for ease of use especially if you are the only person working on the project. In both modes, Plastic SCM will automatically includes what is necessary and exclude the unnecessary files.

Most version control systems (VCS) are designed for text. They usually have very powerful and convenient features for comparing (diff) and merging source code, and some tools can even automatically merge changes (and do a decent job of guessing how changes should be merged and at what point the developer should be solicited to do a manual merge).

Two years ago, I asked a very similar question concerning version control use in video editing software. I believe that answers which were given to my question partially apply here as well, the only (but important) difference being that my question concerned large files, while in your case, binary files are probably relatively small.

Unity acquired Plastic SCM (now Unity Version Control) in 2020. Unity Version Control is a commercial version control tool, offering a cloud-hosted option and intuitive interface for artists and designers.

Unity and version control go hand-in-hand, and many Unity teams use Perforce Helix Core for version control (instead of Plastic SCM). Teams can use Unity without version control. But there is increased risk of collaboration issues or losing progress on work in the case of an outage.

Version control is essential for game development teams who regularly work with large files and different assets. It not only enables them to manage changes to code and files over time, but also allows them to work on the same project simultaneously. A good version control system allows for better collaboration and faster development.

Helix Core delivers just that. This version control software makes it easier to collaborate. It makes it easier to find the assets you need to work on. And it lets you see if someone else is working on a particular file.

Perforce has been around for quite a while and their software has been used by quite a few large game companies. We used it for several years at my previous company, though only for source code as we had our own version control system for non-code assets. In the end, we replaced it with Mercurial and later Git since it was a bit expensive for our uses.

When developing a game in Unity, having a version control software in place is the cornerstone of collaboration among team members. Choosing the right version control software can be like choosing your game engine. We compared four different solutions and evaluated their pros and cons to help you choose the best option for your Unity project.

Git is also a decentralized version control software. This means that you need a bit more disk space because it copies the files of the latest version in a cache folder. But this makes it fast and allows you to work offline.

While a version control system directly integrated into Unity sounded like a great idea, it has since been deprecated due to user-reported issues and limited features. Instead of developing its own system, Unity acquired Plastic SCM from Codice in 2020. We will deal with it in the next section.

Unity DevOps is a version control system that can deal well with binary files. Unity acquired Plastic SCM by Codice after the deprecation of Unity Collaborate. Unity DevOps has advantages like being integrated into Unity, having a fast and responsive client, and can work with centralized and decentralized workflows.

Choosing the best version control solution depends on various factors like team size, budget, and ease of use. We recommend Git as the most popular and widely used version control software, while Anchorpoint adds missing features for game development. Unity DevOps is a good option for those who want an integrated solution, and Perforce is a well-known choice for AAA development.

TL;DR: Even though Unity does not default to Git for version control, it is possible to use Git for Unity projects. It also gives you the ability to use CI/CD services such as Codemagic to build, test, and publish your Unity app.

We're big fans of source control systems for saving your work and collaborating on content. We use Git for our own packages and even the main VRChat client. The VPM was designed to play nice with source control, here are the specifics of how things work. If you use another system like Plastic you can send us tips to share via Feedback.

The VRChat SDK is technically only allowed to be distributed by VRChat and should never be committed to source control. We built upon this idea for managing all VPM-compatible packages along with source control. With that in mind, here's what to include or not: 9af72c28ce

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