I have created few assetbundle scenes for my project. Now I am downloading the assetbundles and able to load scenes. Here the problem is that when I run a scene and exit from that and try to reload the same scene once again, it is giving an error like

The above code is perfectly working on unity engine in my pc but when I build apk and run on phone, the progress bar is not working but bundle is downloading and scene is opening. Later when I exit the scene, comes to my app main page and again open the same scene, it was showing the error as

Unity Asset Bundle Download Progress

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So from the official documentation and unity forum now I know that there's async version of LoadFromFile (that I also will probably call UnityWebRequest.GetAssetBundle later for updated asset). Now the problem is where can I call it, and how to get the .progress value, converting from this:

So, I've been experimenting with Gaia Pro 2021 with Gena Pro lately. My goal is making 3d nature environments with a path or road the play travels along using Pegasus. And the target is running on mobile with streamer loading using Addressables. I've referenced the articles on Canopy and on the Procedural Worlds site.

My problem is that it is getting stuck when after tapping the Start Addressable Build in the Build and Deploy tab. The progress bar gets to about 2/3 completed, and says "Importing Assets" but I left it overnight and no progress.

My terrain was 2km by 2km with 4 x 4 512m tiles.

I wanted to get to the point where I can build and load a remote tiled addressable scene. And I tried to get that done with SECTR and World Streamer 2 and had some roadblocks with starting with scenes with too much complexity (NatureManufacture's Meadow Environment), or terrain Materials that had custom shaders that weren't working on tiles (Mars Environment). So, I wanted to give Gaia Pro 2021 a shot with the built in tile streaming functionality. I feel like I'm so close to my goal, but I'm not sure what to do with this particular roadblock.

Hi @kbaer, when you are looking at the addressable configuration that was created from the gaia scenes, does the information in there check out? (are you seeing only entries to assets that exist, and that are part of the scenes included in the build) You can't of course check every asset in there, but just a general check if you got a good impression of the config would be good.

When it comes to the hang / crash, do you see any error messages in the console? What are the last few lines you can see in the unity editor logfile?

When you click the build asset bundles button in Gaia, we do not do anything different than starting the asset bundle build from the unity asset bundle config window, so we need to find out what in that process of the bundle creation makes unity hang.

I hope these screen shots will help. I started this project on my personal MacBook Pro where I first had this addressable build problem. I loaded it onto my work MacBook Pro (which is a little slower than my personal one) and I had a slightly newer version of Unity, and in the process the terrain is now black, but only in the Game view. I'm hoping you have a tip to fix that new issue, I've had it happen before.

I'm not 100% certain, but I have a theory: There are material settings stored together with the flora configuration in the spawners. The flora configuration is being created in HDRP originally, but when the spawners are being used in built-in it should switch to the built-in shaders accordingly. I assume (!) it somehow pulls those HDRP flora shaders from this original configuration, that is an issue we were not yet aware of.

That one is odd, normally when building addressables it should change nothing in regards to how certain shaders are being rendered in the editor. Could you please try to disable / enable "draw instanced" if it helps if you switch to the gray unity default material, and then back to "Default-Terrain-Standard" again?

October 2021: Added a few nice features that improves the Quality of Life for developers. Now, every build writes out a version.txt file that lets you easily get at the built player version number in build scripts. I use this to fix the .exe version number, since Unity doesn't do that for us. See the docs for details. Also fixed it so the Application.version call produces the correct version number, which lets you log it our or put it on screen for troubleshooting purposes. Last, but not least, there's a WaitForManagedDebugger checkbox now that puts a built client into the correct mode for attaching a debugger--super handy and pretty hard to find normally since it's part of the UI that Unity hides from you until you check the right boxes. Bizarre to hide something so useful.

September 2020: Added a major new feature: Self-Contained builds. Now you can check a single checkbox, build your app and the bundles will automatically be placed into the /StreamingAssets/ folder and the paths patched up to load everything internal to the app. Several people were asking for this, and that's a pretty strong sign there are folks who find Asset Bundles and build management useful without going through the hassle of hosting anything. Also included in this version is much improved error logging to the Console window, which should lead to people being able to understand hosting issues and solving them more rapidly without needing help. I also adjusted some of my test bundle paths to be easier to manage, and hopefully easier to understand. Finally, AutoBuilder has been tested on Unity 2020.1.6 works great, so I'm now hosting test bundles. The documentation has been significantly updated as well.

After much experimentation and refinement, I am pleased to announce the best Unity asset for managing player and data builds, all in one package, on the Asset Store. I built it for my own projects, because Unity really does expect you to write a bunch of code before you can usefully produce multi-platform builds, especially if you want to use asset bundles.

Mainly, I started with trying to get Jenkins to run a build of a single platform and produce a Player. The amount of effort required to do this well was non-trivial. Not only that, but I've seen several build systems at different companies and all of them required code changes just to change a build setting. I didn't want any of that. So, I built a system that uses a ScriptableObject to hold settings. Then I added a nicer custom Inspector to make it easier to edit. Before long, I added multiple platforms with independent settings blocks. And more became more, and so on...

Also, I desperately wanted to be able to have a tight download for mobile, and let the game grab assets from the web automatically. And work for multiple platforms. And for multiple versions of built players, simultaneously. Some games are tolerant of older clients, some are not. I didn't want to require upgrading the player just because the data changed. So, I created a simple system for producing asset bundles that was easier than the mess Unity gives you. There's no tagging of assets, and no duplicating data to help resolve cyclical dependencies, and no need for an asset bundle browser... why? Because the file system should literally be your asset bundle organization. Operating Systems already have excellent tools for moving files around, just use them. In the event of a cyclical dependency, my build system tells you what the assets are that can't resolve, so you can move them someplace more central and shared. But you really don't have to worry about what order bundles are loaded in--AutoBuilder does that for you.

The thing I think sets AutoBuilder apart from the pack is it comes out of the box with a workflow that encourages using asset bundles in the Editor. Normally this is prohibitive, because building bundles takes a longish time, and you don't want artists constantly waiting on that to resolve before checking their work. So instead, I built an override bundle system. This is critically amazing, because it is really fast to detect all modified assets, and sweeps them all into a special asset bundle that is built really quickly and is the first place the runtime looks for loading things. This means you can iterate quickly on textures or terrain or prefabs or whatever, and you click a button and you're ready to run with full asset bundles right in the edtior. No special loading mechanisms, and no performance hit for running in the editor. Test the actual asynchronous loading code that your built player depends on all the time instead of just when producing builds, where debugging is easy and iteration time is quick.

I wanted there to be a simple way to launch the game that always works, always ensures that the matching set of data is loaded for the executable, and manages the cache so old data is removed when no longer needed. So there's a launch scene included that does all this for you, while showing an example progress bar that moves smoothly while downloading, displays some text progress, and just works right out of the box. All you have to do is skin the artwork and fill out the name of the next scene to load when all the bundles are downloaded, and it just lauches your scene when it's ready.

Also, there's full CDN support and flow-control support for A/B testing. The very first thing that happens when the loading scene starts up is a URL is requested that delivers a .json formatted file. This can be a simple file hosted on a web server, or it can be a .php or .js that generates a file based on whatever criteria you choose. Part of the payload that it sends down is the address of where to pull the bundles from, which is usually a CDN (like CloudFront or Akamai), but in the event the CDN is down or changes, you just change the .json file and repoint all the existing clients someplace else. This means you can react quickly without having to rebuild your game and distribute it--which is not really possible on many platforms, anyway. Apply, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all take more than a few minutes to push builds to gamers. 152ee80cbc

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