
Welcome To Multi World  

Software & Web development not just design coding engineering work make you top of the world that's why 2014 to 2023

Multi Database   => Mean Online database Like Sql server, My Sql Server ........

Multi servers , =>  Mean Website or App(Software) collect data from different servers combine one app or websites

 Multi conditions Database , => if  user want data transfer  Offline to online  Database  or online to Offline  or save like every online app  save record in mobile desktop app login etc.

Mufti Task,  =>  Mean  Software do Different work in same second ,  example  listen calculation etc 

Multi View =>Mean  Different  work in same software Like  one software open in  one window(screen) web visit text write or watch movie all three in same second 

 Multi Languages, => Mean Human speaking  languages like English  Urdu Hindi Chinese  Arabic 

Multi Browsers Support  => Mean work in all Browsers like  Opera Firefox edge safari  

Multi devices, => Mean IPAD/Tablet  , Mobile & Laptop/desktop  

Multi OS , =>   cross-platform software (also called multi-platform software, platform-agnostic software, or platform-independent software) Mean any software application that works on multiple operating systems or devices, often referred to as platforms. A platform means an operating system such as Windows, Mac OS, Android, or iOS.

Some cross-platform software requires a separate build for each platform, but some can be directly run on any platform without special preparation, being written in an interpreted language or compiled to portable bytecode

we write develop  both types 

Multi Scripting Languages, => Mean  JavaScript, PHP, Python, ASP

 JavaScript. JavaScript is scripting languages. .. behavior of websites, programing   requires an environment for accessing the database 

PHP is another popular scripting language. ...programing & allows easy and direct access to the database 

Python. Another widely used scripting language is Python,

ASP. ASP is VBScript. A scripting language is a lightweight programming language. VBScript is a light version of Microsoft's Visual Basic.

use some or all in website making  pr connect different type to one database  Window base hosting or Linux connect 

Multi Security, => Mean  Website  or App high security give to data & coding example

 Website in hosting secure   SSL

website  secure
1.Coding for protect Sql Injection all basic & advance step that We know give in scripting.

2.beacuse we not host coding very secure code make try not easy understand .

3.Account active & Useable after email verfication or in futures sms (phone no) bootstrap,no jquery third party script use every code and function make after make typical, if in futures need use update privacy notify user.

5.All basic auto detect real no, email, name, password match, in time of registration give. + email verify you give to us encripted when log in data base no one see like name pass image all in codes but not promise er try best for You. time to time more secure updates
7. not just one security 2 or more checks when data enter exit to database

Software security =AES encrypt  (AES is implemented in software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. It is essential for government computer security, cybersecurity and electronic data protection. approved by US Govt ) 2=>> base , hexa.....

Other Security for protect coding also helpful data

Multi  Theme/Template , =>  Mean Websites & software Theme / Template  change like window app change theme color & images   or in websites one websites different style Template 

Multi Connected , => Mean App or  Website connected other website or app , OR app connected  other apps & website 

Multi Location Server   => Mean Without Update server location change example login or data change 1 location to other 

date 7-(september)9 -2023