Termite Control

Howell, New Jersey Termite Control Services

Termite control services are offered by United Exterminators MD in Howell, New Jersey. Fast relief from termite infestations and long-term protection from current and future termite populations are achieved by combining the use of termite bait stations with direct treatment of locations where termites have damaged property and live termites. United Exterminators MD includes the following in your initial termite control service:

  • Spot Treatment of Termite Damaged Areas

  • Spot Treatment of Live Termite Infested Areas

  • In order to provide lasting protection against termites, bait stations might be installed.

This service plan offers continuous protection against subterranean termites throughout the year. We use products that have been approved for use in residential areas, as well as hospitals, daycare centers, and kennels for pets. These products have been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The first service is intended to eliminate an existing termite infestation, and once the infestation has been eradicated, it immediately begins working to prevent termites from infesting the area again in the future. Because the bait stations are stocked with enough bait to last an entire year, we perform at least one service on them each year and can perform additional services if you require them. Simply let us know if you are having problems with termites in between regularly scheduled services, and we will return to the property at no additional charge to address the issue.

Although there is no single United States government agency or independent organization that compiles and tracks termite data and damage, data that has been reported to state agriculture agencies and academic experts indicates that approximately 600,000 homes in the United States are damaged by termites each year. The amount of damage caused by termites, as well as its location, as well as the construction of the house and the ease with which the damage can be repaired, all play a role in determining how much it will cost to repair the damage.

It is estimated that residents of the United States spend $5 billion annually on termite control and the repair of damage caused by these pests. Even though some termite infestations are discovered quickly and may not require any repairs, in some cases (very rarely), homes may need to be demolished because the damage caused by termites is so widespread and severe. The cost of repairs for termite damage is typically specifically excluded from coverage in homeowner's insurance policies, which results in an average cost of $3,000 for the homeowner who discovers the damage.

United Exterminators MD Is Here To Assist You In Fighting Termites In Your Home Or Business.

Depending on your needs, United Exterminators MD is able to assist you with termite control for your commercial or residential property. We offer the highest quality termite control available in the Howell, New Jersey area that we serve. We are a family-owned and -operated company, and we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to earn your trust not only for the present but also for the years to come. We are waiting for your call with a service that is comprehensive, results that are guaranteed, and a commitment to providing excellent customer service, and we are looking forward to it.