Privacy Policy

The app includes Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics.


Under the Article 45 GDPR we could share your information to third parties that comply with the requirements of the GDPR and have a certificate of compliance with EU — US Privacy Shield, such as:

Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics

We use Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics — services offered by Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. This is the only tool that could collect any data. I don't collect any user data.

Firebase Analytics provides us information about Application usage.

Firebase Crashlytics provides us information about crashes and malfunctions in Applications.

In case of malfunction or failure, the following information is transmitted to Firebase Crashlytics:

IP-address of the device;

information about the device, such as: device ID, model and device type, name and version of the operating system, settings and language of the device;

version and functionality of the application;

time of failure.

Data transmitted to Firebase Crashlytics is neither stored or transferred to other services or resources, nor associated with other data available to Google.

For more information on Firebase privacy settings, please access:


Data processing terms

Google Analytics privacy policy

Google is certified under the Privacy Shield.