In Excel, you can convert inches to feet with =CONVERT(A1,"in","ft") (where A1 contains the number to be converted), or bytes to bits with =CONVERT(A1,"byte","bit). This CONVERT function works with excel's predefined units.

Is there a way to define custom units such as "piece" or "dozen" or "tub"? I've been using excel's "bit" unit in place of "piece". I'd like to do conversions such as =CONVERT(3,"dozen","piece") (the result of evaluation should be 36).

Unit Converter In Excel Free Download

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Of course, one could maintain a table of custom units together with their conversions into standard units (e.g. 1 piece = 1 bit, 1 dozen = 12 bits). The conversion could then be taken care of using a modified convert function =MYCONVERT(3,"dozen","piece") which would look up the custom units from the table. But is there an elegant way to make the original CONVERT function work, avoiding workarounds by simply adding to Excel's list of predefined units?

If your system doesn't already include the most commonly used units of measure for the metric system and/or the US customary system (USCS), the unit setup wizard can help you quickly get started with basic unit definitions and conversions. To complete the wizard, select Unit creation wizard on the Action Pane, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

For example, if gallon is the base unit for the Volume unit class, you only have to set up conversion factors from quart to gallon and from pint to gallon. The system can then also convert from quart to pint.

The Unit texts page appears. You use this page to define translations for the ID or symbol for the selected unit. Those translations can then be used on external documents in customer-specific or vendor-specific languages.

The Unit Converter plugin respects the number format settings of your system. Please be aware of the different decimal and thousand delimiters in different locals. The names and abbreviations of the units aren't localized yet.

The Excel CONVERT function converts a number in one measurement system to another. For example, you can use CONVERT to convert feet into meters, pounds into kilograms, Fahrenheit to Celsius, gallons into liters, and for many other unit conversions.

The CONVERT function converts a number in one measurement system to another. For example, you can use CONVERT to convert feet into meters, pounds into kilograms, gallons into liters, and for many other unit conversions.

The tables below show the units available to the CONVERT function in each category. In all cases, Unit can be used for either from_unit or to_unit in the same category. Note: the CONVERT function is case-sensitive.

If you need to perform unit conversions in your Excel spreadsheet quickly and accurately, this Unit Converter is the perfect tool. Created in MS Excel, this resource allows you to easily convert between different units of measurement, such as meters, gallons, light years, and pascals, using the powerful "CONVERT" formula.

Excel's "CONVERT" function is a powerful tool that enables you to perform real-time unit conversions, saving you time and effort. This Excel Unit Converter automates the process, eliminating the need for complicated manual calculations.

How does it work? It's simple. Just enter the measurement you want to convert, specify the original unit of measurement and the unit of measurement you want to convert to, and the "CONVERT" formula will take care of the rest. Plus, the advantage of this Unit Converter is that you can access it from any device, allowing you to have your Excel files with this tool anywhere and anytime.

In summary, this Excel Unit Converter is an efficient tool that allows you to perform unit conversions quickly and accurately in your Excel spreadsheets. Forget about complicated manual calculations and optimize your workflow with this versatile and accessible tool from any device. Try this Excel Unit Converter and improve your productivity in your unit conversion tasks!

Whether you are an engineer, sales manager, or teacher, you need to convert units from time to time. Even though this is a very straightforward job, it is sometimes hard to find the correct tool. We have prepared an Excel Unit Conversion template to consolidate all necessary conversion units into one tool.

Above all, this tool includes almost all necessary units from weight to pressure, from distance to liquids. It uses the native CONVERT function in Excel and lets you choose the units from drop-down menus. It also has a separate prefix selection to make the conversion process easier.

Excel Unit Conversion template is constructed with one simple worksheet. The following are the most used unit types that are compiled in this unit conversion template: Distance, Area, Liquid, Power, Magnetism, Time, Speed, Weight & Mass, Force, Pressure, Temperature, and Energy.

Step 3: In the Add-Ins dialog box press the Browse button.Step 4: Find and select the downloaded file with the name Units Converter Add-In.xlam and press OK.Step 5: Simple put a check-mark in the name of Add-In (see the following picture) and press OK. If you have completed the previous steps successfully, then in the home tab you should see a new icon with name Units Converter. Usage  First, select a measurement (angle, energy, length, pressure, etc.) from the combo box that is located up and right. Then, select the desired units from the two combo boxes (from and to) and finally, type your value in the input text box (on the left) and press the convert button. At the output text box (on the right) you will get the result of the conversion. If you press the switch button, the two units are changing place.Downloads The add-in can be installed in Excel 2007 or newertag_hash_112. The form is mode-less so you can continue your work without closing the form.

The most difficult part of using the CONVERT function in Excel is knowing the abbreviations for the units. You can take a look at Microsoft's Support page for the function if you want to convert a unit that isn't as common as some others. However, Excel does offer help too.

Here, we're converting ounces to cups. You can see when we place our cursor in the argument's spot for the to_unit, a drop-down list appears. Double-click the unit you want and the abbreviation will appear in the formula.

The modern version of the knot unit has a more-tightly conscribed definition, but the basic unit remains approximately the same and is still tied to the nautical mile. For our purposes, Excel provides a convenient conversion from knots to both mph and kph. To convert from knots to mph, you can use the formula

Oddly, Microsoft has apparently decided not to provide a direct version between knots and ft/s. However, we can easily do the work in a two-step formula. First, we can convert knots to m/s as above and then use the meters to feet conversion since to unit of time is now the same. The nested formula looks like this

Unit conversion can be tricky, especially when dealing with some scientific units such as velocity, or energy. This Excel template was built to make conversions simple and easy to understand. One of the biggest advantages of using an Excel tool for unit conversion is that you can also embed it in other Excel models, and enhance their capabilities. For example, you can embed this unit conversion tool into a real estate appraisal tool, where the users can interact with the unit conversion for heat, or area calculations.

To use this template, begin by selecting the conversion category from the light blue dropdown (underneath the "You need to convert" label). Once you make a selection, the two white list box inputs will update with the corresponding options. Now, simply select the units you want to convert from on the left, and the unit you want to convert to on the right list. Finally, enter the value you would like to convert on the left box (before the "To" label), and you will see the outcome to the right.

I would like to create a VBA code basically for unit conversion. Eventually, I will apply this to more then just unit conversion but looking for a starting place. 

I want column A to be meters and Column B to be feet. And if I enter in column A the conversion to feet automatically happens in column B. And if I enter in Column B I want the conversion in Column A to automatically calculate in meters.

Explanation: the unit converter uses worksheet change events to automatically execute VBA code when you change a cell (B2, B4, B5, E4 or E5). The VBA code uses the CONVERT function to convert from one measurement unit to another and uses the VLOOKUP function to lookup the correct unit abbreviations (cm, in, yd, ft, etc.) stored on the second worksheet.

As a newbie in bread baking but having a decent knowledge in coding and computers (my main job) I've tried a while ago to create a way to solve a problem (for me) related to the many and different ways of a recipe's measuring units.

I've seen in recipes sometimes listed together, weight units along with volume units and some "weird" units invented "on the fly". Of course the experienced people, they smile now with me, but maybe some useful can be come out at the end.

I made it to look like a "real" recipe notebook, allowing me to enter quantities, choose measuring units from a list (both weight and volume intermixed) selecting the ingredients also from a list and finally, select the "convert to" unit for everything.

I've using two lists for keeping the spreadsheet's data, one for the ingredients and one for units. The ingredients list, contains a "density" number which is the weight in grams of each milliliter of volume. I'm not sure if the numbers are correct and the accuracy of the conversions is highly based on this number, so if you have any source to find these numbers, that's great !!

One way I tried is to compare and decide, and if the values are the same then I consider them as correct. But I'm not sure. For that reason I decided to work with density as a reference unit. I thought that it may be more "standard" than the others. ff782bc1db

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