Union Star Social Studies

Joshua Rector


  • 1st Hour: American History II
  • 2nd Hour: Team
  • 3rd Hour: American Government
  • 4th Hour: Historical Literature
  • 5th Hour: Current Events
  • 6th Hour: American History I
  • 7th Hour: World History
  • 8th Hour: Plan
  • 9th Hour: 9th grade Seminar

Degrees and Certification:

B.A.Humanities/ Minor: History

Northwest Missouri State University

Hello! I know you must be brimming with excitement to read this short biographical blurb about me. I am originally from Oak Grove, Missouri where I graduated in 2006 (SENIORS 06!). After high school I attended Northwest Missouri State, where I received my bachelor arts in Humanities. I have been teaching here at Union Star for 4 years and I'm proud to be a Trojan!

In my spare time I enjoy cheering for my sports teams (NY Giants, KC Royals, NJ Devils), and embarrassing my family in public. My main passion is spending time with my amazing wife Amanda, our amazing daughter Ruby, and our magnificent son Oliver! If you would like to know anything just ask!