Attack demo

Taking over cloud backend of LoyalPlay

Attack Description: MistPlay is a leading play-game-to-earn platform (ranked #3 in the AppsFlyer growth index for Japan and Korea) that serves 200+ mobile games and over 1M users. Gaming apps may use its mobile library, LoyaltyPlay, to integrate the play-game-to-earn feature into the apps so as to increase user retention. We found that LoyaltyPlay leverages Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose and S3 to collect and process the gamers’ streaming data, such as user id, in-game search query, and click events, etc. For this purpose, the LoyaltyPlay library hard-coded the AWS credentials, including the Cognito Identity Pool ID, in a resource file /res/raw/loyaltyplay_awsconfiguration.json. An attacker may use a malicious library to plug in his own credentials by overriding the resource file (Risk #1). This would automatically ``redirect’’ the library to an AWS account owned by the attacker, leading to the complete takeover of the cloud backend.

Misleading Razorpay SDK into executing arbitrary JS code

Attack Description: Razorpay [ 57 ] is a leading online payment solution in In- dia, which has helped over 5M businesses (including Face- book, Disney, and PizzaHut) to process customer payments. We found that the Razorpay SDK uses a resource file (res/raw/rzp_config.json) to store SDK configurations in particular its CDN URL ( The SDK uses the hard-coded CDN URL to download JavaScript (JS) file otpelf.js, and then loads the JS cod into a WebView for processing the online banking one-time password (OTP). An attacker can conduct the Duress attack by providing a duplicate rzp_config.json file with a fake CDN URL within his malicious library.

Opening doors for man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack

To secure network connections of apps, Google introduced the network security config feature in Android 7.0. With this feature, developers can specify network security policies in a declarative XML configuration file, e.g., /res/xml/network_security_config.xml, without actual coding. A malicious library can compromise the other libraries' policies by overriding the configuration file using Duress attacks.

HitPay is an online payment gateway for small and medium-sized businesses in Singapore. The mobile library of HitPay, i.e., com.hit-pay.terminalsdk, relies on a network security configuration for protecting the network accesses from the library. As shown in Figure 6, an important measure is to enable certificate pinning for its backend server for the purpose of thwarting man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. Our study shows that a malicious library is capable of arbitrarily modifying the configurations so as to disable the certificate pinning and open a door for MITM attacks, e.g., by removing the pin set, adding a pin that contains the digest of an attacker’s public key, or marking the pin set as expired, etc.

Technical support scams on is the first digital buy-now-pay-later service available in Russia. This service provided a mobile library called ru.tinkoff.dolyame:sdk for the sellers to integrate it into their apps. We noticed that the library embedded a supportChat string (that points to WhatsApp "") in its resource file /res/raw/config.json. When there is a payment issue, the app users can follow the supportChat to connect with technical support via WhatsApp. In case that an attacker overrides the supportContact with a fake contact, he can pretend to be the legitimate support, and perform phishing attacks to exfiltrate customer sensitive information such as customer name, address, purchase history, etc. Even worse, the attacker may encourage the customers to visit malicious websites and download an unwanted app to their devices. We want to highlight that, compared to traditional smishing or sms spams, such an attack might be more convincing as it originates from a specific seller’s app and targets the users of the app.