
Privacy Policy

We at U.n.I value your privacy and want to ensure you understand how we handle your information. Please take the time to read our Privacy Policy. This policy outlines how we collect, use, share, and safeguard your personal information when you use our app.

1. What information do we collect?

We collect information that you provide when you use our app. This includes:

- Personal details: Name, gender, current institute, institute email address, course names, department, graduating year, degree, major, on/off-campus residence, preferences, and interests.

- Image of your student card: Used for identity verification. Deleted after verification is complete.

- Technical information: Device type, operating system, IP address, location data, and app usage.

- Customer care interactions: Information shared during support interactions.

- Information about others: If you provide details about someone else, we process this data to fulfill your request.

- Chats and published content: Conversations and content shared within the app.

We might also receive information about you from other users as they interact with our services.

Once you create an account, you can review and update most information through the app. However, for security, certain details like name, institute email, institute name, graduating year, and degree require a request to be changed, which our team will review.

2. How do we use your information?

We use your information for various purposes:

- Improving the app and its features.

- Matching you with potential users based on preferences.

- Sending notifications about matches and updates.

- Analyzing app performance and user behavior.

- Detecting and preventing fraud, abuse, and illegal activity.

- Complying with legal obligations and enforcing terms of service.

3. How do we share your information?

We don't sell or rent your data. We share information with:

- Other users: Profile information with matched users.

- Service providers: Third parties that assist us in improving the app.

- Law enforcement: If required to comply with laws or protect rights.

4. How do we protect your information?

We take reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of your data.

5. Public Details

Our app facilitates connections among users from the same institute. Please be cautious about what you share. Avoid sensitive details like religious beliefs or health information. You can add sensitive information to the "About Me" section, but remember that posted photos may reveal information about you. By uploading such data, you give us permission to process and share it with other users.

- Information Visible to Other Users:

U.n.I focuses on connecting members of an institute based on preferences and interests. To enhance connections, we share certain personal information with other users after a match. This includes:

- Your Name

- Your Gender

- Profile Images

- Current Year

- Department

- Graduating Year

- About Me

- Degree and Major

- Campus Residence

- Interests

- Current Courses

6. User Conduct, Harassment, and Bullying

U.n.I is committed to fostering a safe and respectful environment for all users. We have strict policies in place to prevent harassment, bullying, or any form of inappropriate behavior within our app. However, please note that U.n.I cannot be held responsible for the actions of individual users. We strongly encourage users to abide by our community guidelines and treat each other with respect and consideration.

1. Prohibited Behavior: Users are prohibited from engaging in any form of harassment, bullying, or abusive behavior towards other users. This includes but is not limited to offensive language, discriminatory remarks, threats, or any actions that cause distress or harm.

2. Reporting Incidents: If you encounter any behavior that violates our guidelines, please report it immediately through the app's reporting mechanism. Our team will thoroughly investigate reports and take appropriate actions, which may include warnings, suspension, or permanent removal of offending users from our platform.

3. User Responsibility: While U.n.I takes active measures to prevent and address inappropriate behavior, users also have a responsibility to use the app responsibly and contribute to a positive community. Please exercise caution when sharing personal information and engaging in conversations.

4. Legal Disclaimer: U.n.I shall not be held legally responsible for the actions, statements, or behavior of its individual users. Users acknowledge that interactions with other users are at their own risk, and U.n.I disclaims any liability arising from such interactions. Users are solely responsible for their interactions and behavior on the platform.

By using the U.n.I app, users agree to adhere to our community guidelines and terms of service. U.n.I reserves the right to take immediate and appropriate action against any user found to be violating these guidelines or engaging in harmful behavior.

7. Data Retention Policy

U.n.I retains user data for the duration of the account's existence. If a user updates their personal data, the previously stored information is replaced with the updated data, and the prior data is permanently deleted. U.n.I offers an option to permanently delete a user account. This process erases all data, except for chat messages. In the case of chat messages, personal identifying information such as names and profile details is removed, leaving only the text of the messages exchanged. User accounts may also be deleted if they repeatedly violate the app's terms and conditions.

8. Cookies and Tracking

Currently, the U.n.I app does not utilize any cookies or tracking technologies. The app requests access to notifications, microphone, gallery, and camera solely for functional purposes and does not engage in any form of tracking.

9. Third-Party Services

U.n.I securely stores user information in third-party services. These third-party services are essential for storing and managing user data, ensuring the functionality of the app. However, we do not disclose the specific names of these third-party services in this privacy policy.

10. Children's Privacy

The U.n.I app is designed for university/college students who possess .edu email addresses. Although the app is rated 12+, it is primarily intended for use by students aged 18 and above. However, considering the app's institute-specific nature and its limited data sharing practices, the privacy of students under 18 is maintained. No specific age is required during the sign-up process, ensuring a consistent experience for all users.

11. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Any modifications to the privacy policy will be promptly reflected in both the app and the website. Users will be informed of these changes through email notifications and updates in the 'What's New' section of app stores and play stores.

Terms of Use


Welcome to U.n.I! By accessing and using our app, you agree to comply with these Terms of Use. Please read these terms carefully. These terms form a legally binding agreement between you and U.n.I. If you disagree with any part of these terms, please do not use our app.

User Accounts

To use the U.n.I app, you must belong to the institute you have selected during account creation. This includes alumni and current members associated with the institute. It's essential to provide accurate and relevant information during the account setup process.

You can create an account through the U.n.I app, and you have the ability to manage your profile information within the app. Note that certain information specified in our Privacy Policy, such as name, institute email, institute name, graduating year, and degree, requires a request to be changed due to security reasons.

User Responsibilities

When using the U.n.I app, users are expected to follow these guidelines:

App Usage Restrictions

The following actions are prohibited when using the U.n.I app:

U.n.I owns all rights, titles, and interests in the app, including its design, logos, code, and other elements. Use of the app does not grant you ownership of any intellectual property rights in the app.

Termination of Accounts

You can terminate your U.n.I account at any time. U.n.I reserves the right to terminate or suspend accounts, with or without notice, for violations of our terms and guidelines.

Limitation of Liability

U.n.I is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from your use of the app. We do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or availability of the app's content. Your interactions with other users are your responsibility.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These terms are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where U.n.I operates. Any disputes related to these terms will be resolved through arbitration, unless prohibited by law.

Changes to Terms

U.n.I may modify these terms to reflect changes in the app or applicable laws. We will notify users of these changes through the app, website, or email. Continued use of the app after changes implies your acceptance of the modified terms.
