Past Events

Snack & Study

We all had some fun at the snack & study event at the end of last semester. We had some amazing professors and TAs show up to help support our event!

Girls in STEM

One of our members and our faculty advisor participated in an event, hosted by another group, for girls in STEM at a local community center where they both taught elementary school girls about cryptography.

Women Unite Over CTF 2.0

Our student chapter hosted this event so women could meet up and participate in the Women Unite Over CTF 2.0 that was put together by various amazing organizations ( WomenHackerz, Gatebreachers, WoSEC, Diana Initiative, WiCyS, Women’s Society of Cyberjutsu)!

Mentoring Matters!

The International Women's Forum of Connecticut (IWFCT) worked with our WiCyS University of New Haven Student Chapter to put on a mentoring event. One of the main priorities of the WiCyS organization is to establish relationships through networking and mentoring to help women succeed in the workplace. The IWFCT provided valuable advice on resumes, interviews, and work-life integration to the women and men who attended.

Virtual Presentation 1

"Alexa , did you get that? Determining the evidentiary value of data stored by the Amazon® Echo"

Laura Sanchez, a cybersecurity engineer at the MITRE Corporation gave a talk on research she published during her undergraduate degree.