About the developer

About the developer

Yes, the developer, that's me. I've been in the testing and development business for many years. My testing career started in the early 00's with content validation, hardware testing and software testing. Next I moved to a consultancy job with a major semiconductor company where I validated the SDK that was delivered with their SOCs. In the early 10's, I move back in-house and became technical lead in a team that was responsible for performing the acceptance tests on the digital television solution of a major German cable company. Finally, in 2016, I decided to join the development team that maintains and further develops a test platform written in .Net running on Windows.

I decided I wanted to get to know the iOS development environment, more specifically: Xcode and Swift. So for starters, I created the classic puzzle game with a twist: the computer analyzes the playing field and will give you easy or hard blocks, depending on the difficulty level.