
Why Us?

The United New Eden Delivery Services is always looking for new pilots. We're committed to providing high quality deliveries throughout New Eden. Okay time to drop the act eh? We're a bunch of casual based PvP players, we're not on 24/7 but when we're on the kills are coming in. So if you're not too serious about being on all the time or are happy to play with others between operations then we'd love to have you! We're looking to build up UNEDS to be more all round so if that is your style we'd still love to have you, just be warned, we're not quite 24/7 ready yet...

Some things we can offer:

  • Knowledge - We've been doing this long enough to have a pretty good idea in whats good and bad, we'll make sure you're PvPing like a god.
  • Banter - We like banter...
  • Kills - We've gotten quite good at picking fights and picking good ones. Our killboards can attest to that.
  • Friendly - We're quite nice people actually, you'll always be welcome on Discord and to ask any advice from us.