Call for Proposals

In honor of the 4th anniversary of the opening of the Dream Success Center at California State University, Long Beach in Spring 2019, and drawing on our geographic strength as a location with a robust and active immigrant youth population, we invite papers, presentations, roundtables, performances, and art installations for a one-day conference focused on research with and in support of undocumented students, their families, and communities. We particularly value presentations that are interdisciplinary and that bring together students, faculty, community members, and activists.

Proposals might address themes of policing and surveillance, undocumented student experiences and campus support systems, youth resilience and activism, or how people make meaning and create lives in uncertain and violent legal contexts, local initiatives to support mixed-status families. Others might consider what these recent changes mean for local communities, for university and college campuses.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions may be made in the following formats:

  1. Individual Volunteered Paper: Individual paper presentations are 15 minutes long and will be grouped into organized sessions of related papers.
  2. Panel Session: A panel is a group of papers (no more than 4) submitted jointly for a single session. In addition to individual paper abstracts, submission materials must include a panel title, abstract, session chair, and discussant (optional; in addition to the four paper presenters). Panel sessions are 90 minutes in length.
  3. Roundtables: Roundtables raise a significant question to be discussed by multiple panelists, and offer unique opportunities for learning and exchange. In lieu of individual abstracts, roundtable proposals should include a single abstract identifying the targeted questions that panelists will address, and the names and affiliations of panelists. Proposals for roundtables should include at least 4 panelists. Roundtables are 90 minutes in length.
  4. Workshops: A workshop typically utilizes a structured, didactic format in which the organizer is a specialist and participants attend to learn the specialty. Workshops should be offered free of charge. Submissions should include the abstract, a short biography of the workshop leader, and any specific technology or space requirements. Workshops may be 90 minutes.
  5. Performance/Other Presentation: We welcome innovative presentations (performance art, visual presentation, short-film, art installation, meet-the-author session, etc.) that relate to the conference theme. If you would like to propose a session in this format, provide a summary of the performance/presentation and any specific technology or space requirements. Performances may be up to 90 minutes in length. To discuss other possibilities, please email:

All submissions should include:

  • Author/organizer name(s) and affiliation(s);
  • Title;
  • 200-word abstract;
  • Three key words;
  • Space or A/V needs.
  • Length (for performances)

Thank you for your interest in the UndocU Conference. Conference submissions are now closed.

We hope you join us on May 3rd. Register for the FREE conference here