Do I have to be a member to participate in the activities of the community?

It depends on the activity. Our public lectures, film screenings and the discussion club are open to everyone. However, for such activities as participation in the tandem programme or access to our library, membership in the UU is required.

Is there a membership fee for joining the community? 

The membership fee is currently 5 / year. We use this money exclusively for financing the activities we organize.

I am not a student of Bielefeld University. May I still become a member?

Yes, definitely! The current regulations only require that at least 51% of our members are students of Bielefeld University. We also have different forms of membership and would be happy to consult you on this.

Which language do I need to speak in order to join the community?

The languages of the community are Ukrainian, English and German. If you do not speak any of these but still would like to join, please write us an email - we would be happy to discuss it.

Does the community provide any humanitarian help for the Ukrainians currently suffering from Russia's military aggression? 

As a community, we do not. As individual members, we do! If you have a wish to donate and would like to know more about different possibilities, we would be happy to share our personal experiences.