
Highlights of Part B:

EVOLUTION - Chapters 4 to 8


Life can only be properly understood when one has a solid stance on whether or not gods exist. And since many theists will bring up the creationist god hypothesis, then the Theory of Evolution must also be solidly dealt with. 

Introduced as the three arguments of:

Fossils (time)

Islands (space)

Similarity (form)

Each are briefly explained and then later examined in their separate chapters.

Clarifying Evolutionary Pressures:

Frequent Issues (and answers) per Evolution:

Creationism the Progression:


Primarily the “What and When” - The most visual evidence.

Basic concepts such as:

(a) Understanding geological layering of enormous time periods that correlate with paleontology discoveries per the increasing complexity of fossils.

(b) Relative and absolute time dating which details and correlates and substantiates evidences for the various methodologies used.

A Short Recap of 4.5 BILLION Years 


Time Determination:


Primarily the “Where and Why” - The geographical evidence.

Life-forms that become isolated from a particular reproductive gene pool tend to promote increased speciation which then exploit new environmental conditions. This phenomenon also provides clear evidence for the overall mechanism of evolution. 

The myriad of issues per Noah’s Ark is made simple so as to demonstrate its impossibility.


Some Island Evidences:

Australian marsupials and monotremes as examples.

No land mammals and marsupials in New Zealand.

Oceanic islands vs. continental islands explained.

Mythical Distribution “Theory”:


 Primarily the “How” - Macro and microbiology.

Similarities and vestigial (leftover) features of life forms, whether per the macro or micro points of view, which all provide very strong evidence of common descent. 

Macrobiological homology (eg: bat’s wings and human arms), “imperfections”, vestigiality and atavism. 

A microbiology review including ARE’s and Chromosome 2 (comprehensive listing is included) which is likely the most definitive evidence for evolution.




Denying evolution pretty well requires the denial of the physical existence of fossils, dating methods, geological stratigraphy, DNA, similarities per the macro and micro biological life-forms, plate tectonics, biogeographical studies, plus the myriad of scientific evidence and methodology that accompanies each of these. 

This overwhelming amount of supporting information can not be easily ignored (but unfortunately is by some).

1859 was a good year. Darwin (and Wallace) did rather ok. 

Fossil Arguments (time):

Island Arguments (space):

Similarity Arguments (form):