1. Is accommodation included in the registration fees?

Ans: No. We are not providing any accommodation. However, we have negotiated accommodation rates of nearby hotels and the prices have been uploaded in the website.


2. Is dinner included in my registration fees?

 Ans: Yes.


3. Do you have travel grants for participants?

 Ans: Unfortunately, no. Due to a dearth of funds we won't be able to provide travel grants to the participants.


4. I have finished my master’s and am currently not enrolled in any program, what should be my registration fee?

 Ans: You can avail the rates given for Bachelors/Masters. You can avail the same rates even if you are currently working as Research/Project Assistant.


5. When will I get information about the workshops available at the conference?

 Ans: Registered participants will be mailed regarding workshop details in May.

6. What is the abstract word limit?

  Ans: 250 words. Do not put any graphs in it.