Photos on display with a quote above that reads, "Among those who served on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue." - Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. during the ceremony commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima at the National Museum of the Marine Corps, Triangle, VA, Feb. 19, 2010.

wow, was just flipping throuh the movie channels, uncommon valor with gene hackman, 1983. a chrome looptail getting worked on (flipped upside down) with all kinds of kids roaming behind at the local track. very cool, check it out if you ever see it, about ten minutes in.

Uncommon Valor Download

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Iwo Jima Uncommon Valor Mug features the flag-raising on Mr. Suribachi on one side, and American Admiral Chester Nimitz's quote when reflecting on the incredible sacrifice of the Marines who fought at Iwo Jima by saying, "Among the Americans who served on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Since November 10, 1775, the Marines have been a force to be reckoned with throughout the world. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz stirringly said "Among the Americans who served on Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue." That quote can be found on the Marine Corps War Memorial in Washington D.C. . You've heard their stories of valor, and today Marines fight on taking Americans and forging them into The Few and The Proud.

Whether negotiating with terrorists, traversing the African outback, or confronting any myriad of challenges, may you and I decide with similar wisdom and valor what to do with the time that is given to us.

President Remembers 9/11 Heroes at Medal of Valor Award Ceremony

The South Lawn  


President's Remarks

 view 1:00 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT:Thank you all very much. (Applause.) Thank you. Welcometo the White House. Laura and I are honored that you're here today. Werecognize a group of Americans whose bravery and commitment to their fellowcitizens showed us the true meaning of heroism.The 442 names you just heard belong to men and women of uncommon valor anddecency and honor. On one of the worst days our country has everwitnessed, we witnessed the courage of some of the finest people ourcountry has ever produced. And their sacrifice will always be remembered.I want to thank the Attorney General. I welcome members of the UnitedStates Congress and the United States Senate who have joined us -- BillFrist, Senator Schumer, Congressman Fossella, Congressman Crowley. By theway, thank you for bringing your mother. Congressman Wolf, CongressmanSmith, Congressman King, Congressman McCarthy, Congressman Israel. I wantto thank Ray Kelly, the Police Commissioner of the great city of New York. (Applause.) I thank all the fire chiefs, police chiefs, and Port Authoritypersonnel. I particularly want to thank the men and women who are on thefront line of making us safe -- thank you all for coming today. (Applause.)The 9/11 Heroes Medal of Valor honors the public safety officers who gavetheir lives on September the 11th. On that day, firefighters, policeofficers, emergency medical technicians, Port Authority personnel and otherpublic safety officers performed their jobs with extraordinary distinctionin the face of unspeakable terror.We're grateful to the families and friends who have come here to honortheir memory. We know that the sense of loss you feel does not disappearwith time. Four years later, you still miss your loved ones. Americaadmires your courage in the face of such terrible pain. And your lovedones will always have the thanks and admiration and respect of a gratefulnation.When America has been challenged, there has always been citizens willing tostep forward and risk their lives for the rest of us. Over the last 11days in Louisiana and Mississippi and Alabama, we have again seen acts ofgreat compassion and extraordinary bravery from America's first responders.Firefighters and police, and U.S. Coast Guard men and women, and NationalGuardsmen and active duty forces, disaster and medical assistance teams,search and rescue units from all over the United States have descended onthe Gulf Coast to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. They have facedthe storm's destruction with valor and determination, and their hard workhas saved lives in the face of great adversity.We're still at the beginning of a huge effort.The tasks before us areenormous. Yet so is the heart of the United States. We're grateful to theemergency personnel -- (applause.) We are grateful to the emergencypersonnel who are working to assist victims and restore communitiesaffected by this disaster. In these difficult days, we have again seen thegreat strength and character and resolve of America. And we will continueto work to help the people who are struggling.In every community we depend on those who carry the badge, who keep thepeace and protect our citizens. And in times of national crisis, allAmericans are grateful to those who answer the alarms and run toward dangerand provide urgent care. Those who place their own lives at risk forothers must be recognized and honored by their fellow citizens.And four years ago, America saw the unparalleled heroism of our nation'spublic safety officers. We lost brave rescue workers who gave their livesso that others could live. We lost many other citizens who assisted in therescue efforts, and whose courage and sacrifice that day made themextraordinary.On September the 11th, 2001, America lost Firefighter Donny Regan of RescueCompany 3 in Bronx. During his 17-year career with the New York City FireDepartment he was cited six times for bravery.And today, our nationhonors Donny's final act of courage. His son, Peter, lost a father onSeptember the 11th; today, he carries on his father's legacy. Peterfollowed his dad's footsteps to the fire department. Today he is defendingour freedom as a reservist with the 3rd Battalion 25th Marine Regiment inIraq. (Applause.)On September the 11th, 2001, America lost Firefighter Ronnie Gies of Squad288 in Queens.Ronnie had been with the New York Fire Department since1988. He rushed downtown to the World Trade Center. A video of the dayshowed Ronnie on his way into the towers. His wife said, "You see himstraight on, carrying equipment, with such a look of determination." Hisown son, Tommy, graduated from the FDNY Academy last August, and is now amember of Ladder 147 in Brooklyn. And we're grateful for Tommy's courageand service. (Applause.)On September the 11th, 2001, America lost Senior Court Officer ThomasJurgens, one of about 25 New York State Court officers who responded afterthe plane hit the first tower.Thomas' last radio transmission came frominside the burning tower, after he'd been warned to get out because thedanger was too great. He refused to leave his post. His last words beforesigning off were, "There are people here who need our help."On September the 11th, 2001, America lost New York City Police OfficerMoira Smith. Moira is remembered by friends for her fearless spirit on andoff the job. She ran with the bulls in Spain.And in 1991, she ran into asubway tunnel to rescue dozens of people trapped in one of the worst subwayaccidents in New York history.On September the 11th, 2001, she ran towarddanger once again, into the burning towers of the World Trade Center. Abroker she helped to safety remembers her steady blue eyes and her evenvoice.The next day's papers carried an image of Moira helping an injuredman out of the tower, before she rushed back in to save others. And thetower collapsed around her. One of Moira's colleagues said, "She couldhave saved herself, but nothing would have stopped her saving one moreperson."These are some of the examples, only a few of the examples, of theextraordinary bravery that took place that day. All the brave men andwomen we recognize today brought credit to the uniform, and honor to theUnited States of America. (Applause.)And one way our nation can honor their sacrifice is to win the war onterror. (Applause.) On September the 11th, 2001, we saw the future thatterrorists intend for us. And I made a decision: America will not wait tobe attacked again. We will take the fight to the enemy, and we'll defendour freedom. (Applause.)Since that day we've taken the fight to the enemy. We're hunting down theterrorists in mountains in Afghanistan, in tribal regions of Pakistan, inthe deserts of Iraq, and on islands of Southeast Asia, and the Horn ofAfrica. We're fighting the terrorists and we're fighting their murderousideology, by spreading the hope of freedom across the broader Middle East. Free nations are peaceful nations, and by advancing freedom's cause, we arelaying the foundation of peace for our children and our grandchildren. (Applause.)We will succeed. And the legacy of peace and freedom we leave behind willbe the greatest memorial to your fallen family members and friends. (Applause.)The heroes of September the 11th will not be here to see that day. Buttheir moms and dads and children and grandchildren can know a proud Americawill always stand in the long shadow of their service and sacrifice, and aproud nation will always remember them.May God bless you all, and may God forever bless the memories of those whosacrificed on behalf of our citizens. (Applause.)END 1:24 P.M. EDT Printer-Friendly Version Email this page to a friend IssuesBudget ManagementEducationEnergyHealth CareHomeland SecurityHurricanesImmigrationJobs & Economy Judicial NominationsMedicareMiddle EastNational SecurityPandemic FluPatriot ActRenewal in IraqSocial SecurityMore Issues

We remember and honor the memories of the thousands of Americans, and citizens from so many other nations, who perished. We remember, and pay tribute to, the firefighters, police officers, paramedics, and other individuals who demonstrated uncommon valor that day, and in the days to come.

Hudner was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry S. Truman on April 13, 1951 for displaying uncommon valor during an attack on his fellow airman, the first African American naval aviator, Ensign Jesse L. Brown. During the Battle of Chosin Reservoir in the Korean War, anti-aircraft fire hit Brown's aircraft, causing him to crash. After it became clear that Brown was seriously injured and unable to free himself, Hudner proceeded to purposefully crash his own aircraft to join Brown and provide aid. Hudner injured his own back during his crash landing, but he stayed with Brown until a rescue helicopter arrived. Hudner and the rescue pilot worked in the sub-zero, snow-laden area in an unsuccessful attempt to free Brown from the smoking wreckage. 2351a5e196

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