The trail by now is littered with more precious items: jeans, blazers, backpacks. I see a random discarded letter with runny scribbles and stuff it in my pocket. With each step, the muck is pulling harder on my boots. A gathering night riot of mosquitoes get their fill of blood, and the infernal heat sucks us dry. The jungle trail, I realize, is one big alimentary canal that breaks down everything that passes through. Thickets of thorns slice my arms; a series of fallen trees forces me to crawl on all fours. This is what you get for sticking your neck out, I think to myself. Head down, chin dug into the pack on my stomach, I stumble on.

The Darin Gap in Panama is such dense jungle that the only sensible way through is by boat, and in the morning we climb into a piragua for a ten-hour glide upriver. I lie back and watch the teeming forests drift by. Pucuro, Boca de Cupe, El Real, and then Yaviza, a rowdy town of bars and brothels on the Chucunaque River, where the Pan-American Highway resumes and the grid comes alive.

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After four years, including two as financial analyst in the international department at head office in Pittsburgh, a watershed moment arrived. In Pittsburgh, Matalon's main focus was a new aluminium plant that was being built in Manaus, Brazil, in an area of the Amazon jungle. He was offered the financial controller job for the new plant. "The prospect of living in the Amazon jungle was not the most attractive option I could think of, and more and more I started to think about returning to Jamaica and decided to come home in 1984."

The issues facing youth in Jamaica and disadvantaged, unattached youth in particular, have always stirred a response in him, Matalon pointed out. His first involvement in this area was with the St Patrick's Foundation, where he raised funds for youth activities and is now its honorary chairman. He has also been involved with the Multicare Foundation, which has been a longstanding affiliate of ICD Group and was started by his uncle, Aaron Matalon. Here, Joseph Matalon works with about 30 schools, enriching the curricula of those schools in the areas of sports and the visual and performing arts. 17dc91bb1f