Call for papers

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (using the CVPR 2019 format) describing work in the following or closely-related domains:

  • Uncertainty quantification;
  • Deep probabilistic models;
  • Failure prediction;
  • Bayesian methods;
  • Robust vision in autonomous driving, robotics, medical imaging;
  • Open-world, lifelong learning;
  • Uncertainty quantification in domain transfer, active learning, adversarial attack defense.

Accepted papers will be presented during the spotlight\poster session at the workshop and appear in CVF open access archive. Extended abstract size limit is 3 pages without references. Authors may submit a draft of their poster as an optional fourth page. The review process is double-blind.

Submissions of work which have been previously published, including papers accepted to the main CVPR 2019 conference, are allowed, please include a pointer to the previous version.

Paper submission deadline: April 15, 2019

Author notification: May 6, 2019

Camera-ready deadline: May 13, 2019

Poster guidelines: please follow the official CVPR poster guidelines and template.