ECON 711 - Advanced Microeconomics II

This site is for ECON 711 - Advanced Microeonomics II, SP 2023.

Instructor: Prof. Peter Norman Office Hours: 11-12 am (T/R)

TA: Dihan Zou Office Hours: 10-11 am (Wed), or by appointment

Time and Venue: T/R/F(Rec) 9:30-10:45 am @ GA 0001

Exams and Grades: There will be two midterms, Feb 28 and Mar 28  (25% of the grade each) and a final (40% of the grade). The remaining 10% of the grade is based on the problem sets. You are permitted  (encouraged) to cooperate while solving homework problems, but I recommend that every student makes a serious effort to solve every problem alone before asking your peers. Homework problems should be handed in individually.

Textbooks and References: 
