CodeQL analysis relies on extracting relational data from your code, and using it to build a CodeQL database. CodeQL databases contain all of the important information about a codebase, which can be analyzed by executing CodeQL queries against it.

This example creates a single CodeQL database for the repository checked out at /checkouts/example-repo. It uses the JavaScript extractor to create a hierarchical representation of the JavaScript and TypeScript code in the repository. The resulting database is stored in /codeql-dbs/example-repo.

Unable To Download And Extract Codeql Cli


Errors are reported if there are any problems with the options you have specified. For interpreted languages, the extraction progress is displayed in the console. For each source file, the console shows if extraction was successful or if it failed. For compiled languages, the console will display the output of the build system.

Creating databases for JavaScript requires no additional dependencies, but if the project includes TypeScript files, you must install Node.js 6.x or later. In the command line you can specify --language=javascript-typescript to extract both JavaScript and TypeScript files:

The CodeQL CLI includes autobuilders for C/C++, C#, Go, Java, and Swift code. CodeQL autobuilders allow you to build projects for compiled languages without specifying any build commands. When an autobuilder is invoked, CodeQL examines the source for evidence of a build system and attempts to run the optimal set of commands required to extract a database. For more information, see "CodeQL code scanning for compiled languages."

If the CodeQL CLI autobuilders for compiled languages do not work with your CI workflow and you cannot wrap invocations of build commands with codeql database trace-command, you can use indirect build tracing to create a CodeQL database. To use indirect build tracing, your CI system must be able to set custom environment variables for each build action.

Build your code; optionally, unset the environment variables using an end-tracing.{json,sh,bat,ps1} script from the directory where the start-tracing scripts are stored; and then run the command codeql database finalize .

If you are setting up the CodeQL CLI in your CI system, you need to make the full contents of the CodeQL CLI bundle available to every CI server that you want to run CodeQL code scanning analysis on. For example, you might configure each server to copy the bundle from a central, internal location and extract it. Alternatively, you could use the REST API to get the bundle directly from GitHub, ensuring that you benefit from the latest improvements to queries. For more information, see "Releases" in the REST API documentation.

You should always use the CodeQL bundle as this ensures compatibility and also gives much better performance than a separate download of the CodeQL CLI and checkout of the CodeQL queries. If you will only be running the CLI on one specific platform, download the appropriate codeql-bundle-PLATFORM.tar.gz file. Alternatively, you can download codeql-bundle.tar.gz, which contains the CLI for all supported platforms.

From macOS version 10.15 ("Catalina") onwards you need to ensure that your web browser does not automatically extract zip files. If you use Safari, complete the following steps before downloading the CodeQL CLI zip archive:

macOS "Catalina", "Big Sur", "Monterey", or "Ventura" users should run the following commands in the Terminal, where ${extraction-root} is the path to the directory where you will extract the CodeQL CLI zip archive:

Note: If you add codeql to your PATH, it can be accessed by CodeQL for Visual Studio Code to compile and run queries.For more information about configuring VS Code to access the CodeQL CLI, see "Setting up CodeQL in Visual Studio Code."

You should check that the output contains the expected languages and also that the directory location for the qlpack files is correct. The location should be within the extracted CodeQL CLI bundle, shown in the earlier example as . If the CodeQL CLI is unable to locate the qlpacks for the expected languages, check that you downloaded the CodeQL bundle and not a standalone copy of the CodeQL CLI.

For example, if a zip file contains a file entry ..\sneaky-file, and the zip file is extracted to the directory c:\output, then naively combining the paths would result in an output file path of c:\output\..\sneaky-file, which would cause the file to be written to c:\sneaky-file.

In this example an archive is extracted without validating file paths. If contained relative paths (for instance, if it were created by something like zip ../file.txt) then executing this code could write to locations outside the destination directory.

Normally, to create a database, the codeql cli requires to specify the command that builds the project and i wasn't able to bypass that, even though i would say it doesn't look very important being able to build the project.

Navigate to the CodeQL CLI binaries release associated with the tables above, and download the zip file in accordance with your project's architecture. For example for 64 bit Windows "".

Our examples assume use of a Windows development environment and that the installation location is C:\codeql-home, but you can use the setup that suits you. See supported languges and frameworks for a list of which compilers are supported.

At a high level, the process works as follows: for each language CodeQL extracts the source code, converting it to understand it either by parsing the code directly or by instrumenting executions of a compiler that already exists for that language within a running build. The database itself is a relational representation of the code base, which contains information about the different source code elements, such as classes and functions, and puts each of those into a separate table of data. Each language has its own database schema, but generally there is a table for classes, a table for functions and so on, and relationships between these tables. CodeQL standard libraries for each language provide wrappers and layers around that database schema. We use the QL query language to query these tables and relationships. There are some differences in how CodeQL databases are extracted for each language and what information they contain stemming from the intrinsic differences between the languages. We will see these differences when using QL to query the databases, but at a high level that most people use, the differences are barely visible.

The CodeQL command line tool allows you to create databases from locally-sourced code. In this challenge, you will create a database for the vulnerable code we used in earlier exercises. Follow the instructions for the challenge 3 in the GitHubSecurityLab/codeql-zero-to-hero repository.

In such case, I would recommend setting up the Security scanning as a cron once in a day mostly a nightly build so that your team will get to see the result of the security scan as the first thing at the start of the day and can prioritise fixing the bugs first. Another change I have done is adding configuration to Initialize CodeQL step as below in file .github/codeql-config.yml

The CodeQL actions codeql-action/init@v1 can find the programming language by its auto-detection feature, it is something that is embedded in the action by Github developers, however, I have explicitly added java so that the step doesn't have to do extra work and saves time, and at the same time I like to make things readable instead of the abstraction magic, this helps anyone new joining your team figure out how things are configured.

In the configurations, I have provided github/codeql/java/ql/src/codeql-suites/[email protected] this is the path to the actual GitHub link and I have tagged the rules for version 1.24.0 you can also point to the master as shown in the above configuration guide. ff782bc1db

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