After not checking the referral status for a few days in the App, there was a whole new section there called "Unable to Proceed" and the person's name was there along with: "They are not qualified for the invite referral program" - I am unable to contact Uber Eats support regarding this matter.

On, I went into the "How do I edit my tip?" screen and changed the amount intended to add the tip but haven't seen the charges go through. Does anyone know how to resolve this error, other than telling me to tip in cash? I will tip in cash in the future, I just wasn't sure how comfortable drivers would be accepting cash with the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing.

Unable To Download Uber App


I recently installed grapheneos on my perfectly functional pixel 4a using the web installer, followed the instructions correctly and double checked that I did, installed google play store and services through the 'Apps' apk, enabled all the correct permissions and still it won't allow me to go online? I have contacted uber several times and they keep throwing the same answer at me (reinstall, no jailbreak/root, try from a different device), I have a motorola that I use as well, completely stock and still gives the same issue... I have tried creating a different work profile on my pixel without much success for a change of outcome... Anyone else having these issues or could offer advice on how to troubleshoot? I really don't want to flash back to stock android...

Yes this happens all the time in yuma Arizona!! I will get a uber to go to work, AND THEY WILL just sit there and not move for 5-10 min while I'm losing my shit! I usually tell them I'm late for work, I will tip you really well, and then not tip them a penny when they suddenly start racing towards my house! F THAT! THATS Whats wrong with this country, lazy ass ppl,...

Yes this happens all the time in yuma Arizona!! I will get a uber to go to work, AND THEY WILL just sit there and not move for 5-10 min while I'm losing my shit! I usually tell them I'm late for work, I will tip you really well, and then not tip them a penny when they suddenly start racing towards my house! F THAT! THATS Whats wrong with this country, lazy ass ppl, all with their hands out & don't want to earn anything. Plz move to Canada I that's how you operate. They all love being controlled & fed like babies!

On the whole I love uber for business and have never had an issue, however, tonight I logged in and accepted a ride from the pub to home at 6.97. I waited 10 minutes for the driver to accept and it complete and got bored so cansmcelled, I tried again to get thw same ride but was now 22! That is 3 fold and as far as I am concerned a rip off. I knoe...

On the whole I love uber for business and have never had an issue, however, tonight I logged in and accepted a ride from the pub to home at 6.97. I waited 10 minutes for the driver to accept and it complete and got bored so cansmcelled, I tried again to get thw same ride but was now 22! That is 3 fold and as far as I am concerned a rip off. I knoe people arw going to say well tjese guys need to make a living etc but I am sorry not at the expense of mine!!! If you think it is acveptable to triple your price because it is a pub pick up think again, 20 mins walk and I am home, I don't mind paying a fair price as quoted for a 5 minute ride but when you ask me to remotgage for the same you can bloody well do one. A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush, one day you will realise that Abdul!

I sometimes ask the rider to cancel it if they inform me en route they no longer need a ride. I don't get paid for heading that way but it doesn't mess my stats if they cancel versus me. The only other time I ever cancel a ride is if I wait the three minutes AND attempt contact with no avail. In those scenarios I do get a cancelation fee credited. Its crazy to me people get away with this because uber recognizes if I haven't started heading to the pick up location within a few minutes, and sends me a notification that the ride will be assigned to another driver if I do not move soon. I also do not get paid in those scenarios.

Attempted to book a ride but a money transfer was late so the card I use for uber had insufficient funds. No ride. Fine. But the next uber trip I had to pay the full amount..38bucks...for a ride I never got and no driver was effected. These guys are terrible..

Look, I'm not on uber's side at all. Of COURSE they're trying to get every last penny out of everyone they can. I did it for a little while back when it was still fairly new (2016) and I have no IDEA how anyone does it now. Back then, the driver got 80% of the fare, all the time, no bs. With Lyft, you could actually hit certain service criteria each week and take either...

Look, I'm not on uber's side at all. Of COURSE they're trying to get every last penny out of everyone they can. I did it for a little while back when it was still fairly new (2016) and I have no IDEA how anyone does it now. Back then, the driver got 80% of the fare, all the time, no bs. With Lyft, you could actually hit certain service criteria each week and take either 90 or 100% of the fares that week. It was a new idea and the goals weren't simple to reach (keep a 4.9+ rating, X amount of rides during peak hours, VERY limited number of cancellations maybe 2 per week, etc) but it made sense for them because the people motivated to get that 100% every week were out there busting their ass and making the company look good. Idk how ANYONE survives driving for them now. I hear driver's talk about getting less than 50% of the fares, that's nuts...

So anyway, all that to say F big corporations exactly the way they're F-ing us every day. But where on earth are you paying $1k/month for a car?? $177/month for insurance also sounds crazy, you absolutely do NOT NEED premium music but if you really feel you do there's no reason to pay $17.99, there are MUCH cheaper options. And what exactly is that random $309 you threw in between the car and the insurance. That doesn't even have a description... Again, the hell with uber the drivers should STILL be getting 80% and they should all strike til they do, but I think you really need to look at your expenses just a little, because they seem outrageous.

And have you considered spending $3,600/month on candles instead of paying for electricity...? (IYKYK)

Saying that these people commenting sound like they are white? Wtf are you on about? They are merely pointing out how crap uber has become, and in turn the drivers also. Racist prick. I'd like to meet you in real life, I promise you would not be such a rude and arrogant prick when you finally get out of the hospital.

In my area it would cost 10 times uber/lyft if they got a taxi ... AND they would have to wait hours ... AND have no clue when the taxi will actually arrive ... but they still B#$^ about paying that 10%. We all know if the rides were free there would be no drivers ... but if you think riders don't want that free ride try again.

I bet you in was from lyft, because I tried to get a 7.2mile ride at 5p.m from my house to Walmart and it would have cost 170 bucks due to high ride domain and low drivers. I had to get my car from there as I drive for lyft and uber and I can tell you it was not any kind of peak pay at that time for lyft

Your comment is rude and not needed. This is coming from a part time driver. It hinders drivers and riders coming together to bring this company down. They are over charging riders and under paying drivers. Nobody and I mean nobody wants to pay $300 to go 10 minutes. Then uber doesn't even give the desperate driver half of that. Uber takes 38% and up. However its usually the up. So while riders are mad...

Your comment is rude and not needed. This is coming from a part time driver. It hinders drivers and riders coming together to bring this company down. They are over charging riders and under paying drivers. Nobody and I mean nobody wants to pay $300 to go 10 minutes. Then uber doesn't even give the desperate driver half of that. Uber takes 38% and up. However its usually the up. So while riders are mad at drivers and drivers are mad a uber both are being scammed by a mogul in the business. They charge drivers if they rent a vehicle $400 if its gas and $500 and up if its electric (tesla cause musk has a contract with them) this doesn't include the fact the driver has to take time to maintain the car. They don't care about the vehicles they rent to the drivers and if a driver doesn't care then a one that does will end up stuck with a crappy vehicle that they paid for. They don't get to test drive it and they pay in advance. If the driver is using their personal vehicle, they are stuck footing the bill on doors, tires, engines, transmissions, oil changes every month, seats getting destroyed etc. The driver also doesn't know who they are picking up. It can say Tom and you are watching Markiesha getting in. If a driver decides not to accept a trip then they are going to be waiting because uber uses them as vehicle slaves. They target desperate and in need people that are trying to make ends meet to drive and ride. Most riders are everyday folks and most drivers are picking up everyday folks. Smdh it's the separation that these mogul companies create leaving the people to fight against one another. If yall think the governing bodies care lmao they don't. If you make multiple millions then you are important so to anyone driving or riding you are not important to uber. They only want the money from both parties and guess what....yall will all continue to pay because they got yall going against one another instead of coming together to bring down these kinds of companies.

I agree tip bait is bs and I would never lower a tip after the fact, but I REALLY dislike uber forcing us to add the tip when we place the order. Obvs there's a minimum I'm going to tip regardless, but the driver may give me a reason to tip more and I might not have cash on me. Though honestly, I had no idea we could change the tip after the fact in uber eats. I've never seen that option, I'll have to look for it next time. ff782bc1db

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