About back on my feet


This year the Class of 2022 has decided to support the local Baltimore chapter of Back on My Feet. This organization approaches homelessness in a different way - by restoring confidence, strength, and self-esteem, individuals are better equipped to tackle the road ahead. Back on My Feet uses running and a sense of community to motivate and support individuals every step of the way, literally and figuratively, from homelessness to independence. These members work HARD to change their lives! Baltimore itself has five different team locations, including Penn North Community Resource Center, Christopher's Place, the Maryland Center for Veteran Education and Training, the Helping Up Mission, and the Baltimore Station.


Back on My Feet has supported more than 2500 members in furthering their education and over 6500 in becoming employed and/or finding housing. 83% of their members retain employment after 15 months, 44% receive a wage increase within the first 6 months, and on average are hired at $12.75/hr verses the national minimum wage of $7.25/hr. Back on My Feet is instrumental in not just a social impact for its members, but also has a positive impact on their health! After 60 days of running with Back On My Feet, members have been shown to have reduced blood pressure, obesity, and nicotine usage.

For every $1 invested in Back on My Feet, nearly $2.50 is returned to the community through increased economic activity and cost savings – and that return is seen in only three years. The economic impact includes: increased economic output from employment and the cost savings from housing, medical costs associated with hospitalization and low physical activity levels, incarcerations costs, and treatments for alcohol/drug addiction. The economic impact results have been validated by PA Consulting Group.

For more information about Back on My Feet, visit https://backonmyfeet.org/

Your gifts of any size make a difference in the lives of these individuals in need. Thank you for your generosity!