
What is Bioengineering?

  • Bioengineering involves the application of engineering to solve problems in biological contexts
  • Bioengineers look to engineer devices capable of mimicking biological equivalents
    • Ex: tissue engineering and development of artificial heart valves and stents
  • Bioengineers develop and improve biomedical technology
    • Ex: researching advanced medical imaging technology
  • Unlike mechanical and civil engineering, bioengineering is more of a research-oriented engineering field

Should I get an advanced degree in bioengineering?

  • Owing largely to the rigor associated with an undergraduate degree in bioengineering, it is not always necessary for bioengineers to attain advanced degrees
    • B.S. in bioengineering offers career paths in medicine, biomechanics, biofluidics, tissue engineering, and more.
  • M.S. in Bioengineering
    • Masters programs are completed in two years and usually offer very specific focus areas
    • Ex: Biomedical computation
    • Masters programs allow bioengineers to specialize their knowledge and develop advanced technical skills
    • In some cases, M.S. candidates will complete a research thesis
  • PhD in bioengineering
    • PhD programs are completed in about five years and are research-oriented
    • PhD candidates will research alongside a faculty advisors to develop and work on a rigorous thesis

Can I get a graduate degree in bioengineering if I do not have an undergraduate degree in bioengineering?

  • While an undergraduate degree in bioengineering would be the best preparation for M.S./PhD work, it is still possible to attain an advanced degree in bioengineering if you have an undergraduate degree in a related field (biology, biochemistry, physics)
  • Biology/biochemistry majors should demonstrate a strong background in mathematics and physics
    • Take Calculus I,II,III and Differential Equations
  • Physics majors should demonstrate a strong background in the biological sciences
    • Take fundamental biology courses
    • Perform research in a field of biological application, such as biophysics
  • For more information on which courses rising bioengineering students are expected to have completed, visit the Fischell Department of Bioengineering’s web page on graduate school admissions.

What are career outcomes like for bioengineers?

  • Career opportunities in bioengineering are expected to grow over the next decade
    • Advances in 3-D printing technology could bring new possibilities for progress in biomedicine
  • Most bioengineers work in medical device development and supplies manufacturing
    • Ex: tissue engineering
  • Many bioengineers work in research settings, either at universities or research institutes such as NIH/HHMI
  • Many bioengineers work in hospitals as biomedical research scientists
  • Owing to their problem-solving and technical skills, bioengineers are well paid
    • Mid-career, bioengineers make ~$95,000 per year

How much will an advanced degree in bioengineering cost?

How competitive is engineering school admission?

  • Admission to graduate level engineering programs is highly competitive
  • Many programs will seek GPA > 3.2 or even GPA > 3.5
  • Graduate engineering schools seek applicants with a strong background in biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics
  • Most applicants have internship and engineering project experience
  • Since bioengineering is research oriented, many applicants have rigorous previous research experience

What can I do to be a competitive engineering school applicant?

  • Demonstrate academic success in biology, physics, chemistry, and mathematics courses
  • Score competitively on the GRE (90-95th percentile)
  • Demonstrate a passionate commitment to research
    • Multiple summer projects
    • Consider a senior thesis project
  • Look for internship/engineering project experience

Resources for Prospective Engineering School Applicants