I generally cook my pasta on the side when making soups to avoid them from getting mushy but followed the directions and the pasta cooked perfectly! I used one can of cannellini and one can chickpeas and substituted spinach for the kale. I did not blend the beans but simmered longer than the recipe suggested. It was delicious and will definitely be a make again.


After making it a few times, I made some very minor adjustments. Having lived in Italy for many years, I prefer a thicker, blended base over a broth with vegetables. To achieve this (for double recipe), I added an additional 2 cans of garbanzo beans, blending 3 cans into the base, and leaving 3 whole. I also blended almost all of the sauted vegetables with the beans that I was blending. I reduced the olive oil to 1/4 cup for the suat, and an added Tbsp after the active cooking was completed. I reduced the additional water to 2 cups (again for the double recipe); the pasta cooked perfectly, despite the thicker base. I added a heel of parmesan during the active cooking time.

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This was a tasty and easy recipe. I really enjoyed it and would make it again. I added zucchini to mine to use it up and I also chopped up the kale stocks to not waste them and cooked them up with the carrots and celery.

The Rome summit is a landmark event, for here we took decisive steps in transforming the Atlantic alliance. In so doing, we demonstrated that NATO does not require a Soviet enemy to hold it together. And yesterday we approved a new strategic doctrine reflecting the revolutionary changes that have taken place. NATO forces will be smaller, more mobile, more flexible, able to protect any ally against any threat.

The President. I think it's a little premature on that. And let's get going now on this Council. Let's consult with them. Let's make them know that we have keen interest in their security and in their economic well-being. But I think it's premature to go beyond that.

The President. NATO has kept the peace for 40 years, over 40 years. In the last 2 or 3 years, we've seen dramatic changes in the entire world. The enemy, a monolithic, powerful Soviet Union is no longer the enemy. The enemy is uncertainty. The enemy is unpredictability. The friend is stability. And so what an ongoing NATO, with its pared-down but quick response and highly effective force, will do is to guarantee against insecurity, against instability, and guarantee security.

The President. We're going to take a look at that now. The question, if you didn't hear in the back, sorry. Well, he just said, what was my reaction to the EC move this morning to place sanctions on Yugoslavia, EC sanctions against Yugoslavia. We're taking a hard look at that. The Secretary and I will be discussing it, and we will have more to say on that in the not-too-distant future.

The President. Listen, any time a good man loses, and that's what happened in Thornburgh's race, I'm interested in what the message is. But I don't know what one ingredient it was in that race. But I know there were an awful lot of other races in the country, whether it was people interested in health care, that went the other way. In governorships and the sweeping victories in the State of New Jersey where people sorted out the priorities that we've been talking about here, "Hey, do you want me to go out and raise taxes on the American people?" And over and over again, wham, the answer was, "No."

The President. No, the election has not changed my view. We've had ingredients of a stimulation package before the American people for a long, long time. The Congress now has set a date, I think of the 22d of November, but as I said when I postponed my trip to the Orient, I'm not sure I believe it. The first date was November 2d or 4th, and it's now been set back to the 22d, and let's see. I know what my hopes are in that regard, but let's see.

But let's not lose sight of what the argument was a few months ago when this first came out, was the prohibition of a person to talk to, the alleged prohibition of a person to talk to a doctor about abortion or about having a doctor recommend abortion. That matter has been resolved. So, therefore, with that underway, I will then go ahead and veto the bill and hope that it is sustained.

The outgoing President of the Council Mario Monti is the grand loser in this election. The Italians voted against the austerity policy introduced since he took office in November 2011. The Professore suffered a terrible defeat; undeniably he failed in his wager to become the leader of the reforming centre, rid of Silvio Berlusconi and the Northern League. "Mario Monti's second mistake is the following: a technical government has to set two or three goals to achieve and not target the long term. By saying that he would govern until the elections Mario Monti submitted to the parties which set the pace and the degree of the reforms," stressed Franco Debenedetti, a company head.

"People appreciate him for his technical abilities as well as for his 'sang-froid' which placed him above the crowd and allowed him to make Italy credible again. But once he launched into the political battle he embraced the rules to the point of becoming aggressive with his rivals," indicated Stefano Folli, an editorialist for the economic newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. "His popularity mainly rested on his non-political status," analyses historian and sociologist Marc Lazar, who points to the 'malaise' created by the support of the European institutions and the leaders of Europe to the President of the Council, who wanted the reforms introduced by Mario Monti to continue.

Scotland remained on the front foot from their own kick-off, winning the put-in at a scrum 15 metres out on the left and drawing the Italians offside, thus providing Paterson with his first pot at the posts. The left wing's right boot hit the target and it did so again two minutes later, this time from the right wing after David Bortolussi, the Italian full-back, was penalised for not releasing.

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