1. Uma Maheswari,Rajanikanth aluvalu,srikanth reddy,venkateshwara reddy, hanuman reddy shoba rani “student mood prediction in the digital classrooms using facial expression” published indian patent/ 201941018492 a

  2. Uma Maheswari, g.varaprasad,viswanatharaju,rajanikanth aluvalu,m.a.jabbar ,“24x7 patient monitoring in smart hospitals using facial expressions” published indian patent/ 201941011134 a

  3. Dr..Rajanikanth aluvalu, Uma Maheswari v, dr.m.a.jabbar, dr.sangeetha gupta, dr.krishna keerthi ch, dr.kmvv prasad “ smart city initiatives on secure public cloud using open hardware and software standards” application no: 202041008575 date of filing: march 2, 2020 .

  4. Filed patent titled “smart advertisement system using image processing and deep learning” applied (application no. 201941024755).