and Responsibilities
The faculty are registered nurses with graduate degrees who are employed by the University Of Mobile School Of Nursing. The faculty are ultimately responsible for student learning and are available to support both the student and the preceptor to ensure that course objectives are met. The faculty member will coordinate with the preceptor to plan, monitor, and evaluate the student experience.
The faculty will:
Collaborate with clinical educators within the facility to select appropriate areas and preceptors (when necessary) to work with students.
BSN preceptors are preferred
Preceptor should have at least 1 year experience in their area of practice (if the preceptor has less and is approved by the facility, they will be considered as acceptable by the school of nursing)
ADN preceptors will be acceptable if they have the required 2 years practice experience
Discuss course objectives and policies for the practicum with preceptors and students.
If the necessity arises, based on scheduling conflicts or other factors, it will be acceptable for the student to discuss expected objectives with the preceptor.
Communicate with students and preceptors on an ongoing basis and be available for consultation.
There will be an opportunity for the preceptor and the student to meet with faculty. These meetings may be held virtually on some occasions.
When the need arises, however, faculty will be available to meet face-to-face with the preceptor and/or the student.
Provide information that will orient the preceptor to:
The role transition objectives, content, and policies
Preceptor responsibilities
Faculty facilitator and student responsibilities
Assess the student’s and the preceptor’s evaluation of the practicum experience and the preceptor’s evaluation of the student.
Be responsible for final determination of the student’s successful completion of course objectives.
The student is an adult learner who is fully responsible for completing all assignments on time and in accordance with the School of Nursing policies as designated in the student handbook. The student is expected to treat the clinical site as they would a place of employment.
The student is required to:
Work under the supervision of a designated nurse preceptor with the faculty coordinator functioning in a liaison role.
Share daily objectives with the preceptor and seek feedback regarding performance.
Collaborate with the preceptor to determine appropriate learning experiences that will help to achieve learning objectives.
Meet the criteria for the clinical course objectives at a satisfactory level.
Work the schedule of their preceptor to complete a minimum of 144 hours.
Work a minimum 8-hour shift / Maximum 12-hour shift
Work no more than three 12-hour shifts in row (4 may be worked if there are days in between the shifts, i.e. Monday, Tuesday – Friday, Saturday)
Engage in self-directed learning activities.
Work only with their assigned preceptor. In the event of a preceptor’s absence/illness, the faculty coordinator may be notified, and with the approval of the unit manager / director, another preceptor may be assigned for that shift (if necessary).
Notify the assigned unit, preceptor, and faculty coordinator if absence is necessary. The hospital unit should be notified at least 2 hours prior to the scheduled shift. Students are expected to obtain the name of the individual to whom they communicated the absence. The preceptors are not to be contacted at home unless they request this. Noncompliance with this policy may result in a clinical unsatisfactory day.
Comply with all uniform and attendance requirements. Only the school approved uniform is allowed during practicum shifts, and students should have the school of nursing student ID badge visible at all times.
Discuss any emergencies that arise with the course coordinator if they will involve missing shifts. It is essential that the student be able to complete the mandatory hours prior to graduation to successfully complete the course.
Abide by all applicable facility rules of conduct, policies, procedures, and protocols with guidance from the preceptor.
Keep a diary log of daily clinical experiences. Additionally, a student/preceptor log should be maintained to verify hours worked. The hourly log should be brought to the hospital each day worked and may be checked on the occasion of a faculty visit.
Abide by all standards of practice as set forth by the Alabama Board of Nursing. Students may not administer chemotherapy, blood or blood products according to the Alabama Board of Nursing (please see “Nursing Students Do’s and Don’ts for more information). They may give IV push and IVPB medications.
Demonstrate professional behavior at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, being on time and prepared for the shift, respectful, honest, and motivated to learn. Students are not permitted to use cell phones during practicum hours for any reason. Students may give the unit contact information to a sitter, significant other, etc. in case of an emergency, but they should never be contacted unless there is a real emergency.
Remain on the assigned unit only. Students should not ask to observe patients in surgery, GI lab, cardiac cath, etc. The student’s role during this experience is to learn what it is like to function as a staff nurse caring for multiple acutely / critically ill patients during a shift.
Contact the faculty coordinator by email, phone, or text as soon as any problems or concerns arise or if assistance of any kind is required.
The preceptor is a registered nurse employed by the clinical agency who has contractually agreed to serve as a role model, teacher, and mentor while demonstrating clinical expertise for the senior BSN student in the clinical setting. The preceptor should assist the student with setting goals and planning care while providing constructive and meaningful feedback to the student.
The preceptor is expected to:
Supervise and guide the student in the clinical area while serving as a role model, teacher, and clinical expert for the student.
Provide the student specific feedback on performance during the role transition experience.
Notify the faculty coordinator as needed if the student fails to comply with any course requirement or if problems or concerns arise.
Validate student hours by initialing the student log at the conclusion of each shift. It is important that an accurate record be maintained to verify that the student has met the minimum course hour requirements.
Notify the student if they are ill and unable to work, if they are given “HR” or if they take vacation/personal day. It is requested that preceptors not volunteer for HR days while with a practicum student, as there is an extremely limited amount of time in which to obtain the required hours prior to graduation and failure to obtain these hours will affect the student’s ability to graduate.
Allow students to accompany them if they are “pulled” to another unit.
Encourage and assist the student in reaching the goal of increasing independence, competence, and confidence while keeping in mind that the ultimate goals is always high quality, safe patient care.
Select an appropriate patient assignment for the student while helping to guide them in providing safe patient care.
Document student clinical performance on a course specific clinical evaluation tool at the end of the practicum experience.
Orient the student to the clinical unit and staff. This orientation should include identification of facility policies, procedures, and protocol. This should take place the first week that the student is with the preceptor.