- D i m e n s i o n   o f   S a n c t u a r y -


The Sacred Ground was the motherland of the first Ultra-Ancient civilization. A myth has been circulated by the Absolutians and people of M78 nowadays, stateing that:

“At some point in the Ultra-Ancient time frame, the heretics worshiped the devil as their god-king before God Noa had driven away all darkness on the planet. Unfortunately the civilization was split to decline and the miracle of Noa was hidden inside the ruins of shrines.”

In the present time, when the flames of war between those two races spread on this planet, God Noa appears.
- Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Destined Crossroad (2021)  ☰   [ō]  
- Ultra Galaxy Fight 4 (2024)  ☰  

- D i m e n s i o n   o f   I n f e r n o -

        Monster Graveyard 

The Monster Graveyard is a floating continent located in a distortion of spacetime, connected to the world by the Grave Gate. This is a place for the afterlife of giants who die with sin from every parallel universe. Beneath the surface of the continent lies a river of magma called the Valley of Flames, carrying an eternal stream of hellfire described as the boiling blood of devil with the boiled souls of sinners.
The ancient secrets of the gods are sealed in the deepest part of the river. When the sparks of the gods all resonate, the awakening of the devil will herald another apocalyptic cataclysm from the graveyard.
- Ultra Galaxy Legend (2009) Movie  [ō]  

- A n t i   U n i v e r s e -


The Anti-Universe lies beyond the edge of the world, connecting to alternate dimensions. Initially, it was the stronghold of the Great Devil before his fall. Now it serves as a fortressfor dark entities born in alternate dimension, such as Planet Gua for the Guar Empire.
Nearby is the deadly rock Satellite Golgotha, which replaced the original Planet Golgotha that was destroyed by Yapool. Satellite Golgotha is used by Yapool as an execution platform for sacrificial ceremonies. The Ultra Brothers and Ultraman Ginga have faced significant crises there.
- Ultraman Ace (1972) Ep. 13~14
- Ultra Fight Victory (2015) miniseries
- Ultra Galaxy Fight: The Absolure Conspiracy (2020)

- W o r l d   o f   E t e r n i t y -


Unlike any other high-level civilization in the multiverse, Planet Earth and humans exist in many parallel universes. However, in the World of Eternity, the gateway to the pocket dimension that contains the shrine of Eternity Core in the ruins of the Ultra-Ancient city, R'lyeh Island.
The Human race in this universe was formed by 195 countries on Earth, under the protection of Ultraman Trigger and Decker from the invasion. They are expanding their frontier to the entire Solar System.
- Ultraman Trigger series (2021)
- Ultraman Decker series (2022)

- W o r l d   o f   L i g h t -

       M78 Land of Light

The highest cosmic civilization in Nebula M78, 270000 years ago the people of M78 replace their dying sun with the Plasma Spark, which was placed at the central point of their capital planet. Every landscape of floating islands faced towards it, and they also controlled orbit and gravity through technology.

Many nearby planets such as Metal, Buffalo, Animal, Ferant, Altara, and Sorkin, which contained abundant natural resources and biodiversity, claimed parts of the territory of  the Land of Light.

The people of M78 are known for their intelligence, morality, ultra abilities, and military strength in the multiverse, they believe that they have the responsibility to bring peace and justice to it.
- Ultra Galaxy Legend (2009) Movie  [ō]  


Planet Tenebris is surrounded by extremely concentrated Dark Energy. No other species can go near the suffocating environment except for the dark species, who become immortal by relying on the unlimited supply of Dark Energy.

The dark species is a highly invasive species, growing sturdily by absorbing or transforming every kind of Light Energy into Dark Energy.

The League of Dark ruled Tenebris from the Dark Palace, but it was eventually wiped out by Ultraman Taro and Ginga.
- Ultra Galaxy Fight: New Generation Heroes (2019)     [ō]  

- W o r l d   o f   U l t r a   P l a n e t -


While Planet U40 appears to be full of lush green landscape, beneath the tranquil exterior lies a highly advanced civilization of human-like beings with advanced technologies and cities located in the crust. Additionally, colonies on other planets planted by their ancestors have form new civilizations.

The ancient U40 people created Ultra Mind to spiritually evolve into higher, enlightened beings. The physical and spiritual changes that occur during this process are called Ultra Change. In the present timeline, only the top 9 warriors on the planet are able to access the giant Ultra Form.

U40 appears to be governed by a ruling council of elders who follow the lead of the Great Sage, they own the largest space fleet in the multiverse.
- The☆Ultraman (1979)

- W o r l d   o f   O r b -


This planet is covered by extreme geological and climatic environments.

The mysterious Ring of Light is located at the highest mountain peak, known as Crusader's Peak. It is a sentient force that bestows several chosen ones with the ability to transform into Ultras. Any human race from all around the universe who wishes to become Ultras must accept the challenge of climbing up the peak, a near-impossible task that requires the strongest will, wisdom, and strength.

The Ring of Light is responsible for instructing all O50 Ultras with prophecies, distributing new missions, abilities, and weapons continuously to defend justice throughout the universe. The top warriors of O50 such as Ultraman Orb and R/B had been assign the right of use of light energy gadgets.
- Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga (2016)  [ō]  

- W o r l d   o f    -

      The Kingdom

The Kingdom refers to the Absolutian regime presiding over their homeworld and other colonies located in an independent dimension, the tunnel Narak is needed to access the field.
By the lead of Tartarus, they worship a spiritual entity as their lord and spare no expense in performing the awakening ceremony for him.

On their central planet, the precursors to the Absolutian race constructed the Eldora Tower, it showered the city with golden light which brought strength to their people for centries. However, the ray became uncontainable and was destined to destroy the planet from inside out. The Absolutian dignitaries came to the conclusion that annexing a replaceable energy was key to their survival.
- Ultra Galaxy Fight 4 (2024)  ☰  

- W o r l d   o f   N e o   F r o n t i e r   S p a c e -

        Ultra-Ancient Giant Race

After their planet and civilization were devastated 30 million years ago, the Ultra-Ancient Giant Race arrived on Earth. They constructed a vast city beneath the island of R'lyeh to serve as their new homeland. They worked to protect ancient humanity from monsters.
However, some among them succumbed to darkness and began destroying civilization. Consequently, most of the giants perished and turned into statues all around the city. Tiga, who regain the light, sealed the Giants of Darkness away in the ruins of R'lyeh. As the remaining Ultras departed from Earth, the Light of Hope from them was left behind for the descendants to continue the legacy.
- Tiga: The Fianl Odyssey (2000) movie


The Spheres (Space Orbs, the floating organisms) are a hive mind of life forms from deep space. They formed the living planet Gran-Sphere by gathering a large number of siblings. The Gran-Sphere can travel through the multiverse by generating wormholes.
They attack on advanced planets, intending to absorb its civilians and creatures into their own being. An extension of their modus operandi includes creating a Spheresaurus to absorb the targeted planet's energy and use it to enhance the Sphere Barrier to the point where it shrinks.
The Spheres were once annihilated by Ultraman Dyna, but currently, they have bred in large numbers and are aiming to absorb the energy of the Eternity Core.
- Ultraman Dyna series (1997)
- Ultraman Decker series (2022)

- W o r l d   o f   C o s m o s   S p a c e -


Juran enters and leave the Solar Syetem once every thousand years. Despite its nature as a periodic rogue planet, it spends great periods of time without a star.
Some time ago, the planet was rampaged by Chaos Header, causing the extinction of an ancient civilzation. Later, Chaos Header 0 and Ultraman Cosmos repaired the damage, and Juran has now become an established and advanced ecosystem paradise, serving as a benevolent monster reserve protected by those two giants.
- Ultraman Cosmos series (2001)

- W o r l d   o f   K a n o n -


All life forms on Royal planet Kanon have their lives bound to the gigantic Tree of Life. It has created a spiritual deity: The War Deity, as the guardian of the planet. Her powers are passed down to the female royal descendants and she is capable of manifesting in the real world to protect the Tree of Life and Planet Kanon itself via a ritual.

The royal boundary covers serveral planets nearby, including the mining planet Kurin, industrial planet Zain and frontier planet Ebil. Kanon is responsible for holding the Galactic Federation Peace Conference, and the current War Deity plays a leading role in the Galaxy Rescue Force.
- Ultraman Orb: The Origin Saga (2016)  [ō]  

- W o r l d   o f   A n o t h e r   S p a c e -

       Galactic Empire

The Imperial Capital Fortress Malebrandes, a planet-sized military spaceship, was built to be the headquarters of Belial's Galactic Empire Army using resources absorbed from planets destroyed by the empire.
The ship was equipped with facilities for the vast troops, five claws for gripping planets, and numerous mining wires to directly harvest a planet's resources.
The Galactic Empire fell under the counterattack of the Royal Esmeralda-Anu-2D allies, resulting in its ruin. However the androids remain active.
- Ultraman Zero: The Revenge of Belial (2010)  [ō]  

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