First Round of Seeds

(Week 8)

Setting Up the Seed Germination Area

Rockwool has a naturally high pH of 8, which can hinder seed germination. To grow the seeds in the Rockwool, the cubes need to have their pH and EC concentration adjusted to create a more suitable environment for the seeds. 

NOTE: When handling Rockwool, keep the cubes away from the mouth or eyes as it can irritate the lungs and face. Gloves are suggested if the handler has sensitive skin. 

How to Prepare the Rockwool

1) Prepare a container with a gallon of lukewarm water around 80 F. 

2) Measure and add pH Down until the water is around a pH of 5.5.  

3) Submerge the Rockwool in the acidic solution for around 15 minutes. 

4) Remove the Rockwool from the solution and correctly dispose of the pH solution. 

5) Refill the container with a gallon of lukewarm water around 80 F. 

6) Add Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (or N-P-K) to the water according to the plant's needed ratio until the EC concentration for the plant is reached. 

7) Submerge the Rockwool again and let it sit for 15 minutes. 

8) Remove the Rockwool from the solution and correctly dispose of the nutrient solution. 

9) Place the Rockwool in the grow tray.

NOTE: Try to keep your environment sterilized when preparing your Rockwool as bacteria can grow in the Rockwool. 

NOTE: It may be a good idea to place your Rockwool in the area where you will be growing the plants in your hydroponic system, ensuring the cube fits. If it does not, you can trim the Rockwool to fit the area. 

Soaking the Rockwool in Acidic Solution 

Setting Up the Seeds and Humidity Dome 

1) Place two seeds into each hole in the cube.

2) Place tap water in the tray until the water reaches the bottom of the Rockwool.

3) Cover the growth tray with the humidity dome to lock in the moisture. 

NOTE: The seeds do not need light until the seeds sprout.

The Rockwool with Seeds in the Growth Tray

When the Seeds Sprout

1) Remove the dome or open the vents and place the seeds under grow lights.

2) If more than one seed grew inside the Rockwool, cut away the shorter/weaker sprout so that only one plant is in each cube.

Tips For Maintaining Seedlings

NOTE: The pH and EC of the seedlings do need to be monitored outside the main hydroponics system but not to the same extent. Using a pH strip and secondary EC sensor or using the same pH and EC sensors from the main system for a small check-in will be fine. 

NOTE: The temperature range and humidity of your growth tent should be enough for the seedlings, as the atmospheric conditions are already set for plant growth. If you do need to raise the relative humidity or temperature, keeping the humidity dome on the seedling should suffice.

Harvesting Crops

1) Whole Plant Harvest

2) Cut and Come Again

On Rockwool Disposal

Seed Progress

Day 1: Seeds Planted and Placed into the Grow Tent

Day 3: Seeds Starting to Break the Surface in the Humidity Dome

Day 4: Multiple Seeds Starting to Sprout in the Rockwool

Day 7: First Week of Seedling Growth

Day 14: Second Week of Seedling Growth