Ukulele Uprising

Uke'n Do It!

Welcome to Ukulele Uprising, Lancaster's first and premier ukulele club.  We're a gang of fun-loving musicians of varying skill levels who gather together weekly to strum ukuleles (and sing).  Join us and share the music.


We meet at 7:00 p.m. every Tuesday.

If you're interested in joining us, contact us through our email:



244 N Queen St

Lancaster, PA 17603

We gather in the parking lot, then go inside to play.

Contact info:

For the club meetings or bookings contact Dana or Dave:

We're supported by Music for Everyone

Thanks to VisionCorps for generously allowing us to use their space for practice.


Facebook page

Corona sessions:

During the Corona lockdown, UU is mixing individual recordings of some of our favorite songs.  Take a listen by clicking here: Songs in the time of Corona