UK Cosmology meeting at QMUL

8 November 2023

The next UK cosmology meeting will take place at Queen Mary University of London on Weds 8 November 2023.

The conference will take place in the David Sizer Lecture Theatre, which is in the Bancroft Building in QMUL's Mile End campus. 

The David Sizer LT is wheelchair-accessible. It has whiteboards, a projector and screens.

We are pleased to announce that the conference will feature an invited talk by Prof. Florian Beutler, Professor of Observational Cosmology at the University of Edinburgh, on the topic "Cosmology with DESI and Euclid".

The full schedule for the event is now available on the Programme page.

Registration has now closed, but will re-open if spaces become available. To that end, if you are registered but no longer plan to attend, please let us know, so that we can make that space available.

You can check whether you are registered using the participant list. Please contact the organisers if you think you are missing (please note that registration is moderated and not automatic, so don't panic if your name doesn't come up on the list straight away!)


Theo Anton, Chris Clarkson, Laura Iacconi