UKACM 2023 Conference

The University of Warwick, 19-21 April 2023

We use Microsoft CMT this year!

If you already have an account on Microsoft CMT, you can log in to your account and search for "UKACM2023".

If you do not have a CMT account, please click on Register on the Microsoft CMT logn page to create an account using your academic email address.

If you need any support during the process of submission please contact the Conference Support Team:

Creating an account on CMT


Search for UKACM or UKACM2023 on the CMT website.

Click on the link of the conference appeared in the search results

Click on "Create new submission" to submit your short abstracts.

Please ensure that you prepare your short abstract file based on the conference template.

The one-page short abstract template file for the initial submission

Click on "Create Camera Ready submission" to submit your Extended Abstracts.

Please ensure that you prepare your file according to the correct template.

Docx. template file for the extended abstract (Camera Ready Submission)

LaTex template file for the extended abstract (Camera Ready Submission)

Please contact us if you have any inquiries: