UK Spectral Theory Network

Welcome to the webpage of the UK Spectral Theory Network, gathering researchers in spectral theory working in the United Kingdom.

The UK Spectral Theory Network aims to strengthen the research interaction among people working in spectral theory and adjoining fields in the UK. It offers Early Career Researchers, PhD students and members of the network an effective platform for exploring connections between the multifaceted strands of the subject, exchanging ideas and developing new collaborations. It promotes equality, diversity and inclusion in mathematics,  and inspires future generations of researchers in the field.

As part of the network activities, we organise two three-day workshops. The participation is open to everyone. Please visit the Events page for more details. 

There are a number of mini-grants in support of members’ research activities. Please visit the Mini-grant page for the application process, its scope and eligibility. 

Organising Committee

Sabine Bögli (Durham)
Matteo Capoferri (Heriot-Watt) -- Chair
Jean-Claude Cuenin (Loughborough)
Katie Gittins (Durham)
Asma Hassannezhad (Bristol)
Mikhail Karpukhin (University College London)
Jean Lagacé (King’s College London)
Sugata Mondal (Reading)


Scientific Advisory Committee

Carolyn Gordon (Dartmouth)
Michael Levitin (Reading)
Marco Marletta (Cardiff)
Iosif Polterovich (Montréal)
Christiane Tretter (Bern)


The activities of the network are funded by the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, EPSRC (Grant Ref. EP/V521929/1 ), the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Sciences, and the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Learning and Research Support Fund.