
The fourth call for mini-grants in support of members’ research activities will open later in 2024. Watch this space!

Scope and eligibility

Applicants should be UK-based mathematicians, members of the UK Spectral Theory Network. The mini-grants are intended to support *specific* projects and activities where other sources of funding are not available. The proposed activity should have a substantial spectral theory component, and it should bring a clear benefit to the UK Spectral Theory community. Eligible activities include (but are not limited to): research visits, one-day local events, participation inworkshops/conferences in spectral theory, outreach featuring spectral theory. Applications for support to attend conferences with broad scope that will take place outside the UK are unlikely to be successful.

All are welcome to apply; applications involving Early Career Researchers will be given priority.

Value of the award

The maximum award is normally £500, although applications slightly exceeding this limit may be considered where an exceptional case is made.


First call: 4 June 2023
Second call: 15 November 2023
Third call: 31 March 2024

Application process

The applicant should submit a brief description of the proposed activity (including a justification for the amount requested) via email to, copied to If the applicant is a PhD student, please include a short supporting statement from the PhD supervisor. 

The application should not exceed 1 A4 page in total

All applications will be considered by the Organising Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee, and applicants will be informed of the outcome shortly after the application deadline.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch!