When Should Small Businesses Consider Hiring an Accountant? 

However, the benefits of hiring accountants for small businesses in bolton go beyond just meeting legal requirements. In this article, we will explore when small businesses should consider hiring an accountant and why it can be a wise investment for their growth and success.

Starting Out: The Importance of Setting Up Your Accounts Properly

When starting out as a small business owner, it can be tempting to handle all aspects of your business yourself in order to save money. However, this approach can lead to mistakes or missed opportunities that could have been avoided with professional guidance.

One area where mistakes are commonly made is in setting up your accounts. This involves choosing the right accounting software, setting up your chart of accounts (the categories that you use to track income and expenses), and ensuring that everything is recorded accurately from day one.

An experienced accountants for small businesses in bolton can guide you through this process and ensure that everything is set up correctly from the beginning. They will also be able to provide advice on how best to structure your finances for tax purposes, such as choosing between being a sole trader or forming a limited company.

Managing Finances: Keeping Track of Income and Expenses

Once your accounts are set up properly, it’s important to keep track of all income and expenses throughout the year. This not only helps you manage cash flow but also ensures that you have accurate records come tax time.

For many small business owners, managing finances can be overwhelming or time-consuming. An accountant can take over this responsibility for you, freeing up more time for you to focus on growing other areas of your business.

In addition, an experienced accountant will have knowledge about tax laws and regulations that apply specifically to small businesses. They’ll know which expenses are deductible against taxes (such as office rent or equipment purchases) and which aren’t (such as personal meals).

Planning Ahead: Budgeting for Future Growth

As any successful entrepreneur knows, planning ahead is key for long-term success. An accountant can help with this by creating a budget that takes into account future growth and anticipated expenses.

This can include forecasting your revenue for the coming year, identifying potential areas of growth or expansion, and planning for any upcoming capital expenditures. By having a clear understanding of your financial situation and goals, you’ll be better equipped to make strategic decisions about the future of your business.

Navigating Tax Laws: Staying Compliant with HMRC

As mentioned earlier, fulfilling statutory requirements with HMRC is essential for any small business owner. This includes registering for VAT if applicable, submitting accurate tax returns on time, and ensuring that all taxes are paid in full.

An accountant can help ensure that you stay compliant with all tax laws by providing advice on which taxes apply to you (such as income tax or corporation tax), how much you need to pay, and when payments are due. They can also assist with completing self-assessment forms correctly so that there are no errors or omissions.

In addition, accountants for small businesses in bolton can provide guidance on how to structure your finances in a way that minimises your overall tax liability. This could include taking advantage of deductions or credits available specifically to small businesses.

When Should You Consider Hiring an Accountant?

So when is the right time to hire an accountant? Here are some scenarios where it may be beneficial:

- You’re struggling to manage finances effectively

- You want help planning for future growth

- You’re expanding internationally or starting to deal with more complex financial transactions

- You’re facing legal disputes related to finance (such as debt collection)

- Your business has grown significantly over the past year

Ultimately, hiring accountants for small businesses in bolton comes down to whether it will save you time and money in the long run. While it may seem like an unnecessary expense at first glance, having professional guidance can actually help you make more informed decisions about your business’s finances – which could lead to increased profitability over time.


In conclusion, while small business owners are not obliged to hire an accountant, doing so can have numerous benefits for their business. From setting up accounts correctly to managing finances and staying compliant with HMRC, an experienced accountant can provide valuable guidance and support that frees up more time for you to focus on growing your business.

If you’re unsure whether hiring accountants for small businesses in bolton is the right choice for your small business, consider speaking with a professional who can answer any questions you may have and walk you through the process of getting started. By investing in professional accounting services, you’ll be better equipped to achieve long-term success.